Presidential Debate Thread

Didn’t know it was a different one until you posted this.


Passing over Kamala for a white guy would be a baaaaaaaaaad look. Now that I think about it, white woman would also not be good, maybe worse. Only way either works, imo, is if she’s on board.


Are we talking minor or major incidents here?

This is such a mess. The Biden performance was mortifying. I think he needs to step aside. And yeah, I think that leaves Harris as the candidate, unless she decides somebody else has a better chance. And I think it’s fairly certain that someone else would have a better chance. But I doubt she’s going to say that. WAAF. Really badly.


If we were starting from a blank slate, I would pick Whitmer to replace Biden. However, I think practically it’s hard to get to a place where Kamala isn’t at the top of the ticket if it’s not Biden. So then the question is who is in the VP slot. I think the party will have the wrong instincts here.

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Once Biden is out of the way, surely there’s some way to ratfuck Harris, right? She has no real standing.

I’m sure they could, but the new candidate will need all the support they can get (including hers), so it wouldn’t be a good idea.

The dems should use all their funds on house and senate races. Trump is winning, might as well save as much as you can.

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Probably they should all be arranging the logistics for exile to escape what’s coming

According to consensus at least


It’s fascinating watching various factions tell the press what to print

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Harris is not likable. But she represents the direction the Biden Administration has been taking us for the past 3+ years. She was next in line should something happen to Biden. And something has happened to Biden. It would be hard for the party to ditch her, without implying that they are ditching the Biden governing philosophy.


This is why their position is so fucked.

Keep biden, fucked

Go with Harris, fucked

Ratfuck Harris, fucked


And this would be bad, because Biden’s administration is very popular and has a high approval rating.


The Democrats really managed the perfectly impossible scenario we couldn’t even dream of when we were all saying how stupid they were to choose biden 4 years ago

These people are professionals

They fucked us. The blasted us all right in the ass. And most of us don’t even like that


Pretty sure there’s exactly 2 people in this country who wants harris to either run or be president and that’s only because she seems to have a solid marriage.


I honestly wonder if we’re not just better off sticking with Biden and his one foot in the grave. I think Harris gets beaten up and raked over the coals even worse than Hillary did

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I think Biden has to recover from that debate performance in a big way, and fast. As some have suggested, he needs to do interviews. But he ducked out of a Super Bowl interview. Doing interviews will likely just reinforce what we saw in the debate. Another debate is set for September and that could drive a nail in Biden’s coffin.

As AQ mentioned, we’re all kinds of fucked no matter what we decide. But I think we seem a bit more rational by having Biden step aside. It’s true, he may still have the best chance of winning, but can we really make the argument that he’s the best democrat to govern for the next four years?


In order of most to least fucked

Ratfuck Harris
Go with Harris
Keep Biden

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