POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

Agreed. He won’t run again. He’ll bitch and moan and tweet and scream for a while, but eventually he’ll realize that it’s a relief to not be President and he’ll just hang out at Mar-a-Lago. Sure, he might still do shit to keep the deplorable adulation going, but he’s not going to run for President.

I was going to say I don’t think they’re very comparable but after googling it, GWB was 76% favorable among GOP voters when he left office. Obviously its not the ~90% Trump is now, but yeah, I guess things can move quickly. We’ll see. The big difference of course is that the GOP is the party of Trump, and it certainly wasn’t the party of George W Bush at any point except 9/11.

That PA with…

5% naked ballots
Biden +3.66%

10% naked ballots
Biden +2.3%

(Based on 75% of Dems and 25% of Republicans voting by mail)

Then we do late arriving ballots, general voter suppression, court cases, etc.

Back on 2p2 when that guy won the bet that he could land a Cessna all by himself and W0X0F sat co-pilot with him, people kept quoting this until the guy landed. And then one guy said it again after everyone knew they were already safely on the ground and people told him he was too late and I don’t think anybody got the joke. It made me sad.


Imagine if he was holding five rallies a day of UHC?

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Yeah, if I wasn’t so lazy, I could dox that plate from here. Odds on he has a toll road transponder onboard. Burner phone… what me worry?

I’m pretty much the guy who LMFAO at fear of the MAGAs. But this is all overt & classic cop signaling. This isn’t MAGAs… this is ACAB using MAGAs as tools. I’m not LMFAO about that.


I think you may have spotted where this gimmick is headed


If Trump loses he will declare himself for 2024 and start rallying again, living off the campaign fund grift.

Winning is actually horrible for him as he essentially no longer has a campaign infrastructure to throw these rallies and to raise money.

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Tucker has no charisma. Trump’s cult of personality is driven to a large extent by people wanting to line up behind a bully and laugh at the weakling getting pushed around. Tucker Carlson is the kind of person they like to bully.


“You can’t prosecute a presidential candidate” will absolutely be said at some point.


Tucker wouldn’t win. He has a meltdown if you point out his BS directly to his face.

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Trump could continue to hold rallies for a third term. Even if SCOTUS says he’s not eligible to be elected, I doubt there is anything that says to campaign and hold rallies you have to be eligible to be elected.

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Vanilla is already a flavor.


Extra mild vanilla?

Actually my local ice cream place (before it went out of business) had Cream as a flavor, so not even vanilla. It was my favorite.


In england they have cream flavored ice cream. Vanilla without even the vanilla

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and this is different than the trump voting block how?


Marshmallow Malarkey! Marshmallows in vanilla.

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Biden is no longer “clearly* favored over at 538

You cant be President if you got fired because Jon Stewart made fun of you on live TV.