POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

Pretty easy to figure out that plate # if you get a pic of it.

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Was just going to post that.

You only get 1 shot


“Country tears down monument to slave owner” sounds good to me.

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If there is a blue wave - the amount of salting the fields on their way out at the federal and state level is going to be astronomical - and probably backed up by SCOTUS at every turn. It will be another 2.5 months of pure anxiety.

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On my phone now so don’t have the links ready but this should get you there:


Yes, I’ve been thinking about that quite a bit. Remember 2000 when the big “scandal” was that a prankster on the Clinton staff had taken the ‘W’ keys off a bunch of keyboards in the West Wing before GWB moved in? Safe to say that’s going to be multiplied by about 1000.

My naive hope is that sort of stuff might motivate Biden + his AG to actually prosecute some of those ghouls.

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The fact that he does this at every single rally makes me wonder if this some focus-grouped gimmick to make him seem more relatable.
Cf. tabloid stories “Celebrities: They are just like us. They, too, think the weather sucks”.

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One thing im surprised we haven’t heard more about is tampering with the drop boxes. It’s hundreds of mostly D ballots sitting in one box being monitored by nothing but a security camera. Whats stopping someone from dropping a lit cigarette in there?

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Grunching a bit but a lot of the texts now are making sure people have their plan in place, know their polling location, don’t need help getting there, etc. If people make a plan to vote (date, time, location, method of travel) they are more likely to follow through, so the campaigns work to get those plans made.


A strike against the WAAF mindset

Often, Mr. Markman noted, we are deploying something called “defensive pessimism,” which is a strategy our brains use in stressful situations where we can control the outcome, like, say, a big exam. “It’s a great coping strategy when you have agency because being defensively pessimistic forces you to study more,” Mr. Markman said. But in circumstances out of our control, it is an example of the mind working against its best interests and creating more anxiety.

Superstitious types might cringe at this point.

But Mr. Markman said it’s actually better to adopt an optimistic mind-set in the run-up to the returns. “Defensive pessimism is creating a fictitious state. You’re feeling pessimistic but you don’t really believe it. Deep down you think your candidate will win, but you’re telling yourself they won’t, so when the actual outcome happens it’ll hurt less. But that’s not how it works. So really you’ll be paying the price twice. Once for anticipatory period and again if the results don’t go how you want,” he said.


Reminds me of one of my favorite tweets of all time.



Trump will be George W Bush if he loses this election. I legitimately think Trump is done politically if he loses

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I’ve been thinking the same thing. The only thing I can come up with is fear of getting caught, but I’d be shocked if there’s not one single RWNJ that isn’t scared of that.

The Dow 1320 is a really nice touch. LInking to an actual CNN fact check URL, probably less useful for them.

yep the RNC will take pointers from the way DNC stopped Bernie the last two cycles, they won’t get caught off guard like 2016 ever again.


Deserves to be in the mental health thread. I am going to keep this in mind the next time I feel like there’s any point at all to obsessive preemptive anxiety.