POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

It’s protected 1st A activity, He’ll definitely work the grift and have rallies. Branding them as a campaign seems like a natural to me. A MLM “campaign” might be genius.

For a while at least. He’s an old man, with an unhealthy lifestyle. LOL @ him getting in 3 terms, even if they amended the Constitution for him.

worse Marist was 5 points too far for dems in about every poll in 16/18. They said they changed their methodology but 538 still having a A+ rating for them is just plain ridiculous.

Yeah Tucker is flappable. It’s happened quite a few times. He’s a shameless piece of shit without an ounce of moral fiber but he can’t take a punch.

The people who are saying Joe Rogan is the real threat are absolutely right. That dude would fuck our day up. He can absolutely grab the Trump voters good and hard while being appealing to moderates… and you do not want to have a communications war vs a standup comic good enough to have a national fan base.

The good news is that I don’t think he wants the job. Quitting being Joe Rogan to be POTUS sounds absolutely idiotic. His life is way way better than being POTUS, and in terms of controlling the direction the country is going, unless the POTUS is totally incompetent, Rogan could probably tell himself that he has more influence… and maybe not be wrong about that.


I wouldn’t worry about someone like Rogan who just has no constituency with women. And as you said, he’s not power hungry so he realizes being a politician would make his life worse. He couldn’t attend most UFC events etc.

:white_check_mark: Campaign for himself
:white_check_mark: Campaign against everyone else
:white_check_mark: With zero responsibility/accountability

Just when he thought he was out, they pull him back in with a foolproof business plan.

Rogan seems like the type of guy that if he wanted to run for POTUS, he’d at least try to get experience first to see if politics is the life for him. We dunk on him here but he is at least capable of shutting his mouth and listening to others.

Patriotic claptrap.



I think its more of a function of the statistical math used. For example, for a simple distribution, by definition about 68% within 1 SD, 27% between 1 and 2 SD, leaving a little less than 5% >2SD. (little less than 2.5% at each extreme).

It doesn’t matter the rest, you will get those ~5% of outcomes that seem unpossible. When your 1 SD is fairly broad, the more extreme the “tails” will seem.

And that have to put some kind of math into their model.

This is accurate. Rogan is a much better human being than Trump, and has demonstrated some organizational ability. I don’t mean either of those things strongly as he’s obviously a very flawed person willing to platform some downright evil people in exchange for perceived edginess and the audience that brings him… but he’s not Donald Trump.

There are other potential villains for 2024, but I’m grateful to say that I have real doubts that any of them are as downright evil as Trump. Trump really is such a total piece of shit it’s incredible.



Biden move to -200 from -180 over the past few hours on Bovada



Wisconsin Democrats REALLY need to fix their phone list. I just answered my third call from them and I haven’t had a permanent address there in over two decades (and my phone number was never associated with that address). And that’s just the number of calls I’ve actually answered.

The nut low replacement isn’t a rogan or tucker or even a don jr.

Its some deplorable yet competent and charismatic general or police chief that’s not even on the radar yet.

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The problem for the fascists is that their world view isn’t compatible with actual competence. There are competent people who go along with fascism because it benefits them personally, but they’re the people who make it all possible (think Mitch) but never the charismatic leaders. The figurehead needs to not be faking it.




Maybe. But if you have the desire to rule the world with brutality, a nice pathway is opening up.

We take dead ponies seriously in these parts, pardner. And it appears your pony’s grandponies are all pushing up daisies.

Also we are currently riding the cuse upwave and trying to not bring him down lest we get buried in a avalanche of text.