POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

I’m here for Trumpiots trying to pull shit in gang neighborhoods and just getting mown down.


Just from what I saw in the video which presumably is all cop saw, everyone’s following traffic regulations. You and I may think it’s tacky, and the cop obviously thinks it’s funny, but would have put the intimidation factor pretty low if the Trump guys were to all follow the laws, give plenty of space etc. We know after the fact that they didn’t and tried to ram a car and did all shorts of harassing things, but just from the video I wouldn’t see how the cop would know that.

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Agreed. He needs to be fully investigated (while he’s not in charge of the justice dept.) and charged for all of his serious crimes, assuming there is solid evidence to convict. Time for the Democrats to take the kid gloves off and stop pretending that “playing fair” is in any way going to change how Republicans do business.

absolutely this, tucker is definitely the frontrunner for 2024 if trump loses (I guess jr or ivanka is if he wins)

Josh’s prefer Trump at +20 margin but I voted for Biden! Pollsters wrong yet again, 2016 is repeating!11!

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Yeah, systemic error is a thing. But guessing how big it is and in what direction is foolish unless you think you have specific knowledge that none of the pollsters do. Which we don’t.

An 8.5 point miss in the polling average is way way way less than 1 in 30 to happen. The 95% confidence interval on that 8.5 would have to be something like +/- 11 for that to be true.

Trump being 30+ points underwater with Dorothy’s, Catherine’s, Margaret’s, and Jane’s has to be a good sign. Those are the most stereotypical old, Catholic, white lady names ever.


Brag: my name is 1 point for Biden :+1:
Beat: wife’s name is 3 points for Trump :-1:
Variance: We have the same name (male/female version)



TERRIBLE NEWS: My wife and are are +25 per Trump, based on our first names.


Gonna guess it’s more traditionally female name that more hippy left leaning parent might give a boy?

Looks like it’s Christina/Christopher. Omg I hope I didnt just doxx Mr. and Mrs. Grue.

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“Fat tails”. Also a small chance of Biden +17

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Isn’t that incest?

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I still can’t get how cocksure Rove was about Ohio in 2012 out of my mind. And how many times did a key GA or FL race come down to a few K votes in 2016/2018?

It’s like they know they have OH/GA/FL in the bag unless the vote is so far in Biden’s favor (or Obama in 2012) that they can’t risk that much tally flipping. But this is the year they will definitely push that envelope if they need to.

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Its not fun lets put it that way, especially since her dipshit parents like to call her by my name.

Though in the past 12 years only one time did anyone burst out laughing at us when we introduced. It was a used car dealer, obviously.

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CNN cut to Trump’s rally for a few minutes, and he is rambling incoherently about how there can’t be a Biden scandal if no one will print the story. Trump also bragging about how he made the oil companies a lot of money. Seems very low energy.

Seems like you guys could go by ‘The first names’ and it would be funny and work.

He’s too obviously a cloying bowtie loser. People are happy that the whiny nerd is saying words they like but no one will die for tucker. Plus he’s not even that famous. Trump was in every rap song from 1990 onwards if you wanted to invoke being rich or a business man. I doubt a lot of rappers watch the apprentice but that is how infused he is into the culture. Like the family fortunes top answer for “name a business guy” would always be trump. He’d get 99/100 points. It’s going to be really tricky to duplicate trumps incessant decades long fame as “rich (therefore obviously smart) business guy”.



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Cool story Susan.