POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

This. People are understandably scared of Cotton because he’s smart and authoritarian, but he has the charisma of a piece of lint.


I’m honestly kind of shocked that the truck that rammed that car behind the Biden bus didn’t get lit up. There were heavily armed and highly trained secret service agents on that bus if either Biden or Harris was on it.

That act of violence was insanely risky. The secret service agents have more than just pistols handy.

Trump is an idiot and stumbled ass-backwards into a lot of his following, but whether by hook or by crook the guy is one in a billion and it just ain’t that easy to pull off his shtick.

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Redacted for privacy.


Neither Biden nor Harris were on the bus, but yeah, those MAGA caravan idiots are running a serious risk of getting ventilated by a bunch of MP5-packing guys in suits if they try to pull that on the wrong bus.


I mean I think they are just playing around, but they are drawing live to looking like a crime scene from the drug war in Mexico. Right down to the big gaudy truck riddled with hundreds of bullets all clustered around where the corpses were. Closed casket for absolutely sure.

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Tucker Carlson could easily be the next Trump imo.


I’m skeptical of this. He has the following now, but I think his aura of invincibility is significantly less than Trump’s and I’m not sure how Tucker would do under the scrutiny. Trump seems incapable of feeling shame and I’m not sure how much of it is an act.

I am imagining Joe Rogan being triggered by something and turning rightward the way so many celebrities have done, running in 2024 on a platform of modified Trumpism plus legalizing weed.

The Deal Is

C’mon Corn Pop

Landslide Mudslide

Sweet Blue Texas


This is the answer. But would he want it?

It’s Steven Miller

No actual dirt except all the kids stuff and we know how that will go… He’s there next candidate once trump allows him through.

Ugh, I forgot about Rogan, but yeah he’s a lock to win if he ever runs.

Possible but I don’t think Joe would want it

I don’t think the undead are eligible for the office





Imagine him being radicalized by “cancel culture” causing him to lose his Spotify deal, so he goes into business with Alex Jones and his political views shift to accommodate that partnership.

Yeah true… With enough outside pressure he would run

For funsies, imagine what it would look like if he ran third party.

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