POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

There haven’t been any polling changes but there has been evidence of ratcheting up of operation: steal the election (that’s literally what Trump would call it).

The donors absolutely do not want full fascism, the GOP doesn’t seem to have anyone else up to the task.

Its like if Hitler never achieved political power and Nazism was rebuked by the powers that be, or Mousalini was stopped before he could get started.

It takes a certain individual to make these things happen imo. You need a cult leader

Wasserman prediction


Oh hai dere.



I have taken a bit of a break the last couple days for my own sanity but one thing that has crossed my mind is Trump knows he is in real trouble. He wouldn’t be doing 5 rallies a day if he wasn’t. That has made me feel a little better as we get near the finish line.

I have also seen some normies posting about the Trump Train nonsense and how bad it is on social media. The Trump crowd has come out of the woodwork attacking them and some people who I never see post politics have stood their ground.


Don’t know. He loves rallies and he is convinced he won last time by rallying like crazy in the last couple of weeks.

We’ve never seen him work this hard over anything involving actual Presidential duties.


Exactly. If Trump was confident in a win I think he would still be doing rallies but not literally 10am-2am these last few days. Add in how much more unhinged he has been, even for him, and he is panicking.


Yeah, he clearly loves them. Like if I had a gun to my head to say something nice about Trump it would be that it his rally effort (not content) is pretty good.

I don’t think the rallies have much to do with the election.

He craves the attention and adoration since everybody else hates him. Doesn’t he also sell merch at rallies? I figured it was mostly last-minute grift since the window of opportunity seems to be closing.


In an interview with Woodward Trump claims he won 2016 by rallying like crazy in the last couple of weeks.

5 a day? He was literally in Miami until 3am last night. He has also cut several of them short in the past few days, with in one in Minnesota lasting under 30 minutes. That doesn’t seem like someone relishing having to do them wall to wall.

I agree he loves them but I don’t think anyone would love the schedule he has been keeping the past few days.

That’s a big reason I think he is doing it out of perceived need and not because he wants to do 5 a day.

On the 538 national polling average, Biden is about as high as he’s ever been (52.0% compared to 52.4%). The gap has still narrowed a little because Trump has gained some undecideds. He’s at 43.5% now compared to his mid-October low of 41.7%. All in all, the national numbers have been very stable since mid June.


I don’t think he likes the locations and weather.

Edit: So I guess I can see truth in both he’s doing rallies because he loves them and these ones show that he’s very worried about losing. Otherwise we’d probably be seeing a lot more Florida events.

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So called undecideds. Hard to thing anyone contemplating and then going Trump now unless they were really Trump all along.


I don’t believe they’ll be lacking for applicants. Whether any of them can keep the base unified remains to be seen. It’s not the same as Reagan; Reagan got two terms and at least got to look as though he anointed his successor. You might think Trump being a one-term LOSER would fracture the base, but a la When Prophecy Fails I’m not so sure. It might well galvanise them instead and if that happens, they’ll want to be unified and may be willing to accept a much less charismatic figurehead.

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The actual point of failure was when one of the two major parties ended up nominating an obvious incompetent. That set up the scenario where that incompetent could luckbox POTUS BOWL. Which, IMO, is exactly what happened in 2016.

The problem with fixing this is the major parties are not a formal part of our legal democracy. They are NGO voluntary associations, that are protected by the 1st A, just like we are here. Passing a law saying the major parties must only nominate competents is a non-starter.

Maybe I’m just a sweet summer child, but I feel that in the aftermath of the evil toxic waste container getting wafflecrushed tomorrow, that the eElephants will do something like the eDonkeys do with superdelegates.


You can pass reforms like ranked-choice voting that make it harder for unpopular candidates to luckbox POTUS BOWL.

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This would be like 100x 100x better. It’d take a Constitutional amendment, of course. Which would be a good time to 86 the electrical college, and do something about Citizens United too.