POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

I’m not talking about like Texas idiots coordinating with PA Proud Boys and so on… And the morons who surrounded the bus have a capped range at like lining up their F-150s by a liberal polling place and trying to look tough.

I’m worried about a militia of 10-50 people doing shit to ballots in a swing state. I’m worried about a violent attack on a polling place (like a mass shooting), though it shouldn’t swing the election. I’m worried. I’m worried about a militia surrounding a liberal polling place and refusing to let people in.

The dudes with pickups and Trump flags are not keeping me up and night.

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I’ve had a couple beers but I’m 99.9% sure I did not add additional quotes after the fact. :man_shrugging:

I know you’re ok physically cause you’re posting but, like, are you ok? Feel free to PM if you need to vent/talk.

Really glad you’re ok physically. Hope all your people are too.

And I’m terrified and fully expect shootings and vehicular attacks on lines of liberal voters. A little nervous about canvassing even. Not at all surprised the shooters were welcomed with open arms by the politicians and cops. I mean, I’ve watched a few movies about the 60s and such, this isn’t unprecedented shit.

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And I’m stone sober lol but yeah, I see where you’re coming from more now. You’re not talking about general rash of idiots trying to fuck with ballots and polling stations all over, even all over PA, but a coordinated effort by a small and dedicated group on a strategic weakpoint.

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Yeah I figured it’s a dry run to do it near voting sites Tuesday. It’s going to be a cluster fuck.

Where can I read about this?

We are all worried. But I don’t think if 500K votes or whatever are thrown out it will just be dismissed.

holy shit Pocketchads just gave a strong counterpoint to my whole thing


Can any Spanish speakers tell me if the e on “dale” is supposed to have an accent on it as it does in those signs?

Exactly. I expect scattered shit like Chad mentioned, widespread douchebaggery like flags and parking lot strutting, but I’m not worried about that stuff impacting the outcome.

Philly has announced where the mail-in votes are, showed how insecure they are, and I don’t think there is a large police or other presence, nor do I trust the cops obviously. There are like 600K ballots that skew at least 85-15 Biden behind a chain link fence in a building with likely 10+ points of entry and likely < 10 people with guns guarding it.

It doesn’t take an army or rocket scientists to get in and do something. Hopefully I’m wrong and the national guard is there. But that would require the Washington Generals PA minor league team to have a good game plan.


Man, maybe the worst part is we’re all worried more/less about very different aspects. I think there’s like a 1% chance there is any recourse to get those votes back that SCOTUS gives us.

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Like part of your thing is that they’re cowards. It doesn’t take a lot of bravery to do a drive by from an F-150 on unarmed voters standing in a line outside a polling place. And it only takes one person out of like 70-100M Trumpers to decide to do it.

The one I remember the best was Ohio. He claimed OH was a lead pipe lock D and not even close. Trump won it by about the same as he won Texas.

Also very fishy is how despite all of this wrongness he supposedly made money because of his plays on election night. I was following the markets closely then. It wouldn’t have been impossible, but seems unlikely.


Google Translate says no. I’m not fluent enough to know that level of detail. TBH I didn’t know that word without checking. I would have expected it to say “Vamos Trump” not “Dale Trump.”

Are we sure they didn’t misspell Don Jr in English?

I suppose if you saw a few key counties early and flipped your positions the fastest…

Yeah it was possible. I did some damage control myself, but not enough to turn a loss into a win.

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maybe @Fossilkid93 or his girlfriend can help us out

Replying to the parts I missed:

Yeah, now that I see where you’re coming from, we’re talking about a coordinated heist and my rebuttal isn’t nearly as strong. Even saying the kidnapping plot was foiled isn’t that strong.

Well I was including The Poor Boys and a lot of the militias. The hardcore people aren’t tweeting. But, again, you’re right that a a coordinated raid doesn’t require a critical mass, though what you’re talking about would be extremely, extremely difficult.

Portland is exactly the example I was thinking of. These types would never dream of setting foot in Chicago and a number of other cities ever again.

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That’s fair regarding Portland v Chicago… as I just told my buddy, if they try to do some shit in West Philly or North Philly, they might just fuck around and find out. I’m pretty confident they’ll run into some tough ass people who are not going to fuck around.

I’m not going to post ideas online for these assholes but I don’t think it’s that hard. Luckily they also aren’t very smart and at least some intelligence would be essential.

The Venn diagram of people smart enough to pull it off and dumb enough to try it has to be pretty insanely small. But we have to fade even 1.