POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

You keep talking about ballots being set on fire but don’t actually discuss it.

Like, what do you think is gonna happen if 500K ballots in the Philly area are confiscated and set on fire during a terrorist attack? Do you really think it’s gonna be “Welp, nothing we can do. Looks like Trump won!”

I’m sorry dude but you are on the ledge.

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I put this in the betting thread because I didn’t want to spook y’all but adanthar has Texas going Blue, which is the curse of death.

Yes that’s exactly what I think would happen. You think SCOTUS is going to give us a do-over? They’re going to say “Sucks for you, but you should have secured those better.”

I saw it. I don’t recall why he’s the kiss of death, I guess he had HRC as a lock or something?

Tom Wolf is a democratic. This isn’t a Florida situation where you have Prick Scott and DeSantis running shenanigans.

I mean I think we have like a 45% shot at a blue Texas, but that’s sure as fuck high enough for memes.


Yeah I realized I veered off your specific scenario but it’s kinda folded in: the MAGA chuds aren’t making a daring raid on the ballot vault so it’d have to be an actual coordinated inside job of the police themselves, which would be an entirely different level.

For weeks leading up to 2016 he was talking up early reg/ballot info in NC saying how it was close to a lock for HRC. At least that’s the main one I remember. I don’t “vividly” remember this, but I’m pretty sure on Election Day he came into the game day thread and said something like, “I was able to exit most of positions ok, but it looks real bad for HRC” and poof, he was gone.


Besides, do you really think they haven’t taken what happened in Michigan into account? Everyone is on edge, not just here.

I live here, I know who my governor is. I don’t think my governor is torching the ballots. To be clear I don’t think there’s a massive chance of anyone doing it. I’m worried about a militia of Proud Boys and neo Nazis and other shitheads coming in, breaking in/shooting in/or having the cops roll out the red carpets to let them in…

And in an environment where Trump is screaming voter fraud and ballot stuffing and 35-40% of the country thinks these patriots are stopping a crime.

My lack of faith in Wolf is only that I don’t trust him to have enough people guarding the ballots out of naivety because I’m sure all the very serious thinkers agree with you not me - which is exactly why we’re vulnerable.

We’ve got Trumper caravans running Biden campaign buses off the highway and Trumper militias forcing Biden events to be cancelled. How much of an escalation are we really discussing here?

The water is 211.9 degrees, they’re almost certainly going to try to take it to 212. Hopefully they fail.

lol @anon38180840 did you just edit-add stuff ABOVE the previous stuff?

i almost missed the edits

So you think they’ll make a run at kidnapping a sitting governor but not some ballots? It’s not what the craziest 10% of MAGA people will do, it’s more like what the craziest one-hundredth of one percent will do.

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Sure I get that. But why wait til Election Day? 90 million ballots have been cast and most are for Biden. Why haven’t we seen attacks in the past month to destroy ballots?

I hope so. What I saw on the local news did not fill me with confidence. It was like a fenced in section of the convention center and dudes with pocket protectors and clipboards. I was hoping to see the national guard or some shit.

Redacted for privacy.



I’m sure these random attacks lately has drawn extra security. I mean MAGA running down that bus is LOL bad from a strategic perspective if you trying to do a massive attack on election day.

I’m suggesting that if Trump gets on a stage on Tuesday and says they’re stealing the election in Philadelphia, and they must be stopped… That the people he told to stand by might decide to do something. That changes the whole dynamic. They’re not doing shit now cause they expect to win and daddy didn’t tell them to.

Still quite the reach if you ask me.

Lol maybe I’m just loopy and somehow missed it but I could’ve swore there wasn’t a multiquote at first, mainly because,

reminding me of the kidnapping plot (wtf) makes a compelling point that I want to ponder more.