POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

…Ay, there’s the rub.

So I guess it helps to remember the frontline is everywhere.


so the weekend before the election is over. it’s just 2 days now. and only one more episode of tucker carlson before voting is over in the most significant time zone in the country.

how do the never-trumper fox execs not give him a weekend special to disclose the hard drive information??? what world is this?? so you’re telling me the guy very likely to win the election is bigly compromised with corrupt dealings, and i gotta wait from friday night to monday night the night before the election to get the news story???

FOR SHAME, fox news executives. for stifling conservative speech and figuratively “cancelling” tucker carlson’s big scoop with your pro-biden agenda. oann better pick up the slack when the party bifurcates or else trump will have to start his own network and traveling live show


i agree. chasing a bus on the highway or blocking a bridge in nyc is just a place where they can’t easily be challenged. worst even the police could do to them is pull over. the BH rally looked very sad actually. numbers don’t compare to blm protests, it way more trucks and way fewer people.

i don’t know what 96 miles of highway in arizona translates to, but i don’t see it as a lasting political movement either. the message seems to be “we’re on the side of the road, because freedom, deal with it”, or something to that effect?

or more likely they are trying to get retweeted by the fuhrer and show off to their birther friends, while they grift.

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I haven’t been thinking about that part. Is he really going to beat his 2016 vote total?

What a sad country we’ve become (always were and this just exposes it more??) when that many people want him to be president.



We trust in AOC. If she clowns on them, they are defeated.


If that happens, say whatever you want.

You may recall back in the day when I had an issue with certain rhetoric, I had a qualifier… Non-violence as long as there are non-violent remedies.

I also basically had no issue with any rhetoric in May/June during the George Floyd protests.

Suffice it to say if Trump steals this I will not be urging people not to call for broken windows or pretty much anything else.

It occurs to me that he’s right: we won’t hear much about COVID on 11/4. We’ll be hearing about the attempted authoritarian power grab.

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yet 33.3% of my posts the last few weeks get flagged lmao.

i don’t want to head to philly or dc, but as i’ve been saying for a while now, i’m packed and ready. walls don’t need to be scalable lol.






Ask Gretchen Whitmer how she feels about that. Also keep in mind that the people guarding the ballots would probably be thrilled to see them set on fire.

Yeah I mean I’m not talking about awval and Inso0 and the dime a dozen deplorable who’s going to be parked on the couch watching Fox News. I’m talking about Proud Boys and far-right white supremacists militias. How many of them does it take to force their way in and torch some ballots? 10? 50? 100?

Don’t they keep showing up in Portland and clashing with antifa?

I’m less concerned about voter intimidation (it’ll have a small non-zero impact, but small) and more concerned about the ballots being guarded, I assume, by Philly PD (who are not on our side).

I’m far from a tough guy or antifa or a dude who runs off neo-Nazis, but a lot of brown folks live near me and if some white supremacists wanna fuck around on Election Day I’ll go stand there and try to make voters feel safe or escort them to the line. I’m confident that if I feel that way a lot of people do and you only need a handful of people to show up and do the right thing.

My bigger concern is the mail-in ballots being protected.


I dunno man they’ve got some fancy rubber bullets and tear gas and pepper spray. Seems like the exact type of situation it’s designed for, except for the skin color and political preferences of the belligerents.

More specifically, the police are always going to protect them but when the police join them that’s when it’s clearly been taken up a notch and you know it when you see it, and you can adjust accordingly.

Like that vid in that tweet, figuratively the police were of course on the chuds’ side, but literally they were just there to protect them, everybody knew it, and as such everybody easily ran them off. Needing the cops to hold your hands kinda puts a dent in the intimidation factor.

I’m drinking and I have thoughts, Biden is going to win.


Go on

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riot police isn’t showing up to a spontaneous truck rally. they show up when people protest outside government buildings.

The midwest comes home, including PA whether it’s midwest or not. Taking AZ, maybe NC and we’re getting at least one goddamn D senator out of GA. So let it be written, so let it be done.

Not a believer in Blue Texas, sorry. Not a believer in LOL FLORIDA FOREVER AND FOR ALWAYS.


I haven’t given up on winning Montana, Alaska, South Carolina, and Kansas due to absurdly high turnout.

And I’m one of the biggest panickers here. Maybe I’m just like 538 with those big fat tails, though. This is definitely a high variance election.

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I know realistically, but it’s not cause it’s a truck rally on a highway and not a government building. They showed up when BLM shut down the interstate in Philly. They’d show up if BLM took the Garden State Parkway.

Listen here, buddy. I can turn my car onto the interstate and be at the Taj in less than two hours. I’m not in the Midwest.

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The Rock’s sorry you’re a
