POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

Yeah but why is Biden only focused on PA. There are 49 other states. We want America’s President not the Fracking President.

I get he’s going to try. We all get that. But no one is going to stop counting at midnight because Trump said so.

It won’t be midnight in AK until 5 AM Eastern Time. So is Trump saying this at midnight in DC? West Coast? When?

Some people here really need to step away from the ledge.

They are drawing to massive election day turnout, because they never had another option. Trump always backs himself in a corner and then bloviates how the corner is the best, most excellent part of the room, which everyone is saying.


It’s more like everyone else is not panicking enough.

Everyone needs to be ready for Trump win. I’ve been working on it for a week now. It’s a dark place to be in, so having an extra week to work on it before the reality hits is huge.

And if it doesn’t happen, I think I’ll manage. But I’m not holding my breath. He will cheat his way to victory.

First polling times close at 6 PM Eastern, but it’s only parts of Indiana and Kentucky.

7 PM is when the first full states close.

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I’m not saying the state is going to stop counting at midnight (unless he sends in more than lawyers). I’m saying he could easily inspire violent attempts to destroy ballots, or try to get SCOTUS to stop the count.

It’s not like PA is going to be done counting at 2am or even 10pm on 11/4, it’ll take a few days - and we don’t know the point where Biden pulls ahead, although I’m guessing it’s early on 11/5.

That’s if we count 24/7. If they stop for 8 hours a day, it’ll take longer.

Been playing around with nate’s election projector and ran this scenario 3 times.

Give Trump PA and NV
Give Biden NC

Results are Trump wins 51, Biden wins 47 out of 100

Then ran
Give Trump PA and NV
Give Biden NC and ME-02

Results are Trump wins 59, Biden wins 36 out of 100

conclusion: that’s a bunch of malarkey. I guess WAAF.

Gonna need more polls to panic about please and thank you. 90 minutes to that likely ABC/WaPo final national.

Won’t exit polls help ease the panic a little bit? Or those only for day-of voters

Doesn’t the Fox News division run the election night coverage and their decision desk though? their news division isn’t as bad as the opinion personalities.

I will be setting up a gameday thread tomorrow night

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NV is a near lock for Biden at this point I believe.

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Trump can absolutely win. But its’ not likely and tehre’s not really much anyone can do about it at this point. Cuse can knock on doors in PA. That’s about it.

That sounds right. I don’t even know who Shepherd Smith’s replacement is or what he is like. Actually, Smith being the Fox guy for this would have been huge.

Exit poles are going to be worthless this cycle becuase of the skew of voters in the early vote.

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I’m not concerned with what I can do to change things.

If it happens, I’ll be as depressed AF. Just need to be able to handle that the best I can.

The point is EV aren’t actually given until something like Dec 14th. Neither candidate will be winning on Tuesday night. In previous elections, the loser concedes if its obvious. Trump obviously ain’t doing that but he can’t just declare victory and the election is over. It doesn’t work that way. And yes, I am fully aware he will try the SC.


it’s the most important one and I’m gonna guess their internal polls aren’t +5 or better.

PA swings in the election simulator are just too massive not to basically.

I was just thinking Twitter absolutely needs to squelch his account for the entirety of Election Day.

Sure there will be repercussions, but it’s crazy that they certainly will not do it. I am cool with them turning Biden off that day too.

It’s not really about panic over actual results, it’s just how much traction he can get for his attempt at a coup. It’s about how the media, especially Fox News, covers it.