POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

There’s a sucker born turning 18 every minute.

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Glad I’m not the only one that can’t understand just what in the hell that 2nd map is supposed to be.

Yea, he’s actually making money for the first time in his life.


There was also a New Yorker (?) piece that claimed he loved it. The quote I remember was him driving by his adoring fans and telling somebody that he’d have a hard time going back to being a real estate developer because picking out windows would be so boring.

Like everything else, who knows if it’s bullshit. But I suspect he does love the job now. He’s stopped doing the shit he doesn’t like. He loves the rallies. He loves being fawned over by people like Hannity. He has to love immunity from a bunch of shit. And so on.

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LOL at people worrying about what Trump might say Tuesday night. He spouts inflammatory lies non-stop as it is. No one can control what he says.

Unless it’s legitimately looking bad for Biden, I assume the MSM is just going to laugh at him.


Houston, we have one.

holy shit

I’m constantly baffled at all the he doesn’t want to win talk when he’s making every effort to cheat to win in the courts if he has to.

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I’ll be knocking doors for most of the day, so that should impact the betting line fwiw

What are we missing at this point, Monmouth PA and Morning Consult? Plus the rumored fox polls



Might not age well, but I think you’re right. He’d like to keep doing rallies though and charge for tickets.

Yeah, he doesn’t want to win in the sense he doesn’t want to continue governing/attending events etc, but he reallyyyyyyy doesn’t want to lose the election because it would be, in his mind, the most public failure of his life even as he outwardly escapes it by blaming everyone else.

8pm though right?

Fox probably isn’t though. I’m sure we will all think back fondly to the days of Megyn Kelly trolling the shit out of Karl Rove for not accepting reality, but seems unlikely this time around.

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Rupar thread is uninterrupted insanity, the dude is completely off the reservation.

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That looks like Blue Texas.

I believe today is March 246th. It never ended.


The narrative, media coverage and national reaction will go pretty far in determining how it plays out. The entire margin of Biden’s victory in PA will be sitting in a known location in Philly. Lots of bad things can happen that Trump can inspire or order, depending on the narrative/mood.

If people ho hum it when he declares victory, SCOTUS has way way more latitude.

If his claim is normalized we are under a serious risk.

Petition for a Cuserounder PANIC CONTAINMENT thread.