POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

I’m going with Graeter’s ice cream. That stuff is legit good (maybe a bit overrated, but still good). Certainly worthy of double fisting.

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Let’s check in with bulldog Pete


Unfortunately, it seems…Donald Trump’s campaign has really given up on persuading voters and is instead turning to the idea of suppressing voters


Pete on CNN? Did FOX get tired of being dunked on?

the best words?

the best words

There’s like 4 different polls trumpers spam that they think are non fake news. Primarily trafalgar.

Oddly, I never hear a response when I ask them “huh, trafalgar showed Republicans gaining seats in the House in 2018, why don’t we all ask speaker of the house Gym Jordan about that?”

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Having looked into it some, it seems like Biden is in western Pennsylvania for several events tomorrow and the Cleveland stop may just be something to fill a hole in his schedule. Weirdly, his celebrity guest for one of those events in Pittsburgh is Lady Gaga.

If he is in Philadelphia today and Pittsburgh tomorrow evening, shoring up support in Ohio seems like the best place for him to go that isn’t too far out of the way if he wants to get a daytime event in. Should he be going to somewhere in the middle of Pennsylvania?

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There is nowhere in the middle of PA to go. It is an unimaginably awful shit hole. There’s a reason Jerry Sandusky landed there.

Biden’s plan is fine, we are all just mega-anxious.

He’s going to give a nationally televised speech claiming victory and attacking the states still counting, then try to shut down the count.

MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, WAPO, etc will call it the most unAmerican thing any POTUS has ever said.

Fox News will???

OAN, etc will say he’s clearly the victor.

Fox News has a tremendous amount of power in this scenario.

yes, there are right wing data people. They are good at spinning things to make it look like lol trump is winning. Most of them have pushed republicans are winning for over 4 years now before the elections so yeah most of them are full of it. (also they jump all over every trafalagar poll) so polls are good as long as they favor them of course

ie, florida net vote registration margin is lower than 4 years ago. That means trump wins easily.

There is also targetsmart which in 18 said r’s voted early over d’s for some reason. They’re not accurate but they’re jumping on that data too.

There are also leaks that R internal campaign numbers are actually in good shape, ie wisconsin is close, michigan they’re ahead (!). They seem to believe they got a decent shot.

(this all said, the data we’ve gotten so far does suggest the polls may be slightly off, we’re getting turnout but theirs is sky high and we may only get really good)

Hi I’d like to rent a car, and yes I would like all the extra insurance, because you’ve got a Ford Fusion that’s about to see some shit.

Does this insurance cover civil war damage?


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This post might not age well but I really don’t think this is going to happen. He is a total coward who doesn’t really want the job. He just wants to protect his ego which is the explanation for all the rigging talk.


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He can’t though. State elections are up to the states. He can’t just say “I hearby declare myself the winner” and it’s over.

I had to check to make sure sweetsummerchild didn’t post this


It’s worth noting that a decent number of these are people with mail in ballots who plan on turning them in and voting in person. I knocked about 110 doors today, probably talked to ~25 people and had at least four or five in this category.

I did, however, meet one voter who’s son is in college out of state, resides in PA, voted by mail last week and they’re checking every day sweating its arrival. My guess is it won’t make it.

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Make Kerning Great Again.


Don’t give me that crap. Seriously. He can’t do it on Tues night no matter how much he tries. He WILL try. I’m not saying he won’t. But do you seriously think states will just be like “Welp! Nothing we can do here!” It’s not happening.

Good q. Hopefully he gets another good spot there over the next couple of days.

He had this other spot on CNN with more good work .

For all of us who want to get to the other side of the pandemic, there is no defeating while denying it.



He may not have wanted the job in the first place, but now that he has it, there are plausible explanations out there for why he would be highly motivated to want to stay in to for legal and financial reasons.

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