POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

Nate’s fox avatar thing is like Clippy for a new generation.

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Might be the WOAT map

my PredictIt bets are tanking, some fuckery is afoot but I haven’t found out what yet. Too scared to doomscroll. I’ll be so glad when all of these bets resolve TRUMP GTFO Tues/Weds

I didn’t say Trumps doing an effective job at campaigning, but he’s definitely getting out there. There would be fewer complaints about Biden’s choice of campaign stops if he were hitting 5 states a day like Trump.

These people have gotten in massive arguments with their families, with friends, have chosen Trump over them, argued endlessly online.

Zero chance they would ever admit they were wrong. Maybe they will come to that conclusion but they will keep it to themselves and just stop talking politics and either not vote or secretly vote Biden.

I think many of them would rather die than admit they were the idiot the whole time.



D poll, but 2/3 of people in swing states view him less favorably because of the rallies

It has happened to at least one person. And don’t call me surely.

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Are you sure? Biden didn’t come to Chicago and I cast two votes for trump.


I’ve talked to an expert that agrees with you. Especially this year when everyone has already voted and there are few undecided, and you can’t get big rallies without turning people off anyways.

the only thing that will sway my vote is a wine cave invitation


The “view him less favorably” doesn’t do much for me because they’re still like, “Well, he’s not as great as I thought, but what am I gonna do? Vote for Biden?”

Is there a 538 variant for Trumpers that shows him being a veritable lock to win?

They are definitely just as convinced or even more so than us that Trump will win in an electoral landslide. Makes me assume there is a bizarro 538 that their message boards are salivating over with their own Vince memes.


probably 4chan. there’s also some ridiculous shit posted in the PredictIt message boards (comments below the various markets on there).

Did anyone every track down plaid shirt guy and get his story? My bet is non-Trumpkin who infiltrated his way in.


Come on, son. Those idiots don’t believe in things like statistical analysis.

Every single facebook post they’ve read says that Trump is a lock. What more evidence could a person possibly need?

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This is my exact number too. Factors in naked ballots, USPS, suppression, courts. 6% we’re favored, 7% I feel good.

5-10% of mail in ballots will be tossed due to forgetting the secrecy envelope. Nothing we can do about it. 75% of our votes are by mail vs 25% of theirs. That’s going to cost us 2-4% right off the bat. So +5 in the polls is really +1 to +3. Factor in the USPS being slow as fuck in Philly right now, that’s worth something. Factor in long lines in minority areas, that’s worth something.

Then the GOP will go to court again over the 3 day extension, that’s worth something.

Biden +5 is not safe in PA.

I don’t want to be an asshole here, but the Trumpers that are convinced they’re going to win aren’t data driven and looking for a 538 type source. They live in their own bubble of happy ignorance and intense fear all built by the right wing institutions.

And many of the Trump pundits and staff that you see on TV don’t believe what they’re saying - but it’s a free roll. If they’re wrong nobody on their side remembers or cares. If they’re right they get to crow about it for a decade and double the grift.


he was hankering for one of those bags of watery chili

6ix, thanks for the vid.


Unfortunately, he clearly doesn’t count. Not a Trumpkin going in. The search continues.

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