POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

The Cons seem to have figured out that you can’t get run over if you block a road with cars instead of humans during a protest. Might be something for the Libs to learn from.

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PA Absentee update:

Dems have now returned 82 percent of requested ballots, a total of 356k remain outstanding;
Repubs have returned 70 percent of theirs, a total of 235k remain.

Still two days left and a large share of those ballots on both sides is likely never getting returned. Continues to seem really unlikely that whatever remains outstanding as of Tuesday night that has actually been placed in the US mail is going to be enough to swing the election one way or the other in PA.


I’m here to get the polls (sp.) if that’s ok with you.

“A little silliness” that repeats itself through the whole forum.

The libs aren’t going to do something like that.

The problem is that when you involve a motor vehicle, you pretty much always open yourself up to potential felony charges. They’ll look the other way at the RWNJs. They’d go full J20 if radicals tried it. Believe me… we’d be doing it otherwise.

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Kind of seems like maybe this isn’t the forum for you, tbh. If you just want the poles, you should just save yourself the headache of having to wade through our immaturity and just follow this twitter account instead:




Speaking of which:

Man, Ossoff is soooo close to beating Perdue without a runoff. That woudl be fucking glorious.


Lieberman and Tarver should get the absolute shit kicked out of them and banished from democratic politics forever.

Seriously why are they still in there? Why aren’t the dems forcing them out?

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Absolutely. One of the things that I have learned in the insanity of Trump World (a pale silver lining on a very, very dark cloud) is the extent to which American deplorable conservatives not only disregard double standards, not only accept double standards, but it fact think double standards are good and appropriate and signs of a well functioning society. So, so, much of their apparent hypocrisy and inconsistent “logic” actually hangs together perfectly well if you just accept the simple organizing principle that some people should have an unfair advantage.


It’s basic civil disobedience. Their side is willing to do it, ours isn’t. That should be causing a lot more concern than many seem to appreciate.


No, that’s the other race, the special. Ossof is in the regular race, but a candidate still needs to clear 50 percent to win that outright. The third party candidates are keepign them both under 50 right now.

Edit: I reread your post and realize that you probably realized this and were just commenting on the other race.

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Our side is certainly willing to do it when there’s something going on (ie: protests over the summer). What is the point of blocking highways right now?

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I’m aware, I’m talking about the other race. Does anyone have a reason for why those assholes are still running when that could be a super easy dem pickup?

Fucking Lieberman.

It’s the British spelling, like “centre” vs. “center”.


Well they’ve already succeeded in getting the Biden campaign to cancel a rally, and they keep getting lots of news coverage.

Also, the people who have been protesting police brutality this year aren’t really on your side, and you weren’t out there getting pepper sprayed and beaten along side them.


Multiple cancellations. There was another one today because there was Trump “militia” groups and they couldn’t guarantee the security of the event.

I’ll start treating the media with more respect when we just flat out use terrorist appropriately.




I’m not sure I ever saw that one!

Not a fair comparison. Their side faces no repercussions - being tased, shot, pepper sprayed, killed, arrested, etc. - for doing shit like that.