POTUS BOWL 2020: One More Dawn, One More Meme, One Meme More!

where is that from?

Triggering the libs, the entire raison d’etre of Trumpism.

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What kind of violence? They can’t be trashing cars and burning buildings without wrecking their narrative about that being the exclusive domain of BLM and Antifa. I think there will be some random shootings, but ordinary Trumpkins probably aren’t going there either. The ones who are borderline insane anyway could probably start targeting certain places. Outside of that, what kind of violence are you picturing?

It’s absolute insanity that this is now a non controversial, accepted part of the election. For example, how is the headline of the courts ruling on the 100k curbside votes not something like “court denies blatant GOP attempt to rig the election in their favor”

There should be massive media outrage at every effort to steal votes in an election. Just shows how far we’ve already gone towards becoming a dictatorship. It’s possible COVID is the only reason we won’t be living in a dictatorship next year.

I moved here from Norway a little over a year ago. I’ve been following US politics very closely for the last decade from a far, but living here and seeing it up close this year, has been really eye opening. My family back home in Norway have no idea at all what’s really happening, and what’s really at stake here.

Let’s hope this election is the wake up call the left needed, and that they aggressively push through reform as fast and widespread as possible. Starting with voter rights. I won’t be holding my breath tho. Action is the only thing that’ll convince me.

If the unthinkable happens next week, my wife and I will probably move back to Norway before the end of the year. As a white, middle class couple living in the bay area, our lives will probably largely be the same with either result, but the toll on our mental health makes it a very easy choice.


What’s the deal with everyone misspelling polls as poles?

I don’t recall the precise origin but it’s a meme from the old forum.

Dude, the truth has never mattered. Their narrative is already bullshit. The biggest and most dangerous groups are right wing. Let’s not pretend the next example is going to change anything.


Another juvenile meme like spelling posts as poasts that they think is hilarious for some reason. :man_shrugging:

A few things at play here and this is coming from a Vietnamese Canadian whose mother supports Trump (crazy right?) - Trump held a summit in Vietnam in 2019, some weird notion that Trump is and will protect Vietnam from China, Facebook propaganda (all my aunts and uncles have Facebook and probably reshare pro Trump videos)
and a channel called Little Saigon on YouTube


Storming places where votes are being counted is high on my list. Similar to what they did in Michigan to the statehouse. Concern is that with so many polling locations, they’ll be able to overwhelm some and destroy ballots. Also doubt cops are going to be highly motivated to stop them.


Yes. The large Vietnamese immigrant population in Orange County that has a lot of people who fled in the late 70s has historically been extremely anti-communist and that led them to being Republicans. It’s not nearly so true of the children of these immigrants and some of their grandchildren are reaching voting age now. I’m sure both groups are trending at least towards the mean, if not towards leaning solidly Dem.



Protests by left wing groups when Trump declares victory. People like Rittenhouse coming to that. People like the Bugaloo Boys setting shit on fire during these protests, shit like that.


Sylvester Stallone was born one month after Trump

He’s more human growth hormone now than man



bowtie fetish obv.


Racking up toll fees to own the libs


If you find a little silliness that offputting, I don’t know why you are ITT at all.


I read “bovine fetish” as was about to kink-shame.

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