Yes please

Weren’t we talking about a state that was 95 cents? I forgot the original state now. If so, that’s 95 cents per share. You can purchase a maximum of $850 worth of shares. $850 / .95 = 894 shares. That pays out $894 less 10 percent of the profit which is like 889. When you cash that out you get hit with a 5 percent withdrawal fee so now you’re down to $844.50.

The trick is to never cash out. It’s easy on poker sites but not so much on PredictIt.

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Ultimately every legal question flows up to the Supreme Court.

People apparently weren’t paying attention in 2000? They already did this once, folks. They stopped a recount that had been ordered by the Florida Supreme Court because counting the votes would result in “irreparable harm” to the Republican candidate.

Which is great until predictit pulls a full tilt.

That would probably work for me. In ten years I can get a surprise check and maybe get a room in a motel.


If Biden clearly blew Trump out but gerrymandered R state legisilatures refused to certify the election, a reasonable Supreme Court would find a way to get them certified and the public would agree with that. Well, we have a bizzaro Supreme Court and bizzaro public…

They stopped it because the transition start date deadline was ‘sacred’ and Gore tried to cherry pick counties to count. For him to re-file to recount all of Florida would take too long and they weren’t allowing any counting to go past the ‘transition’ date. GJGE Gore team. GJGE Supreme Court for deciding our presidential election 5-4.

Ok but that was a Republican Governor doing what was in the best interest in his party.

Do dems legally have to certify if the supreme court rules on this? Or can they say this is obvious bullshit fuck that I ain’t certifying shit.

The 2000 Florida case had nothing to do with the governor.

Again, the state Supreme Court, which was clearly within its jurisdiction and authority, had ordered a recount. The Supreme Court’s right wingers (STATES RIGHTS LOL) shut down the recount. Jeb had nothing to do with it.

As always, you have to ask yourself who is going to stop them. If the SCOTUS says Trump won, they’ll find a way to get around state certification.

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He actually can’t run as an independent. A court ruling is forcing him to appear as Dem on the ballot. And that makes a differencryption.

Alaska is hard. They generally don’t like Trump but they aren’t really big on national politics in general. Huge military, huge oil drilling, and huge Mormon population plus the don’t tread on me survivalists. But also they all can clearly see the effects of climate change and they are environmentalists. Anchorage is super liberal and there are a lot of indigenous folk; they also love the government cheese.

This seems like the natural evolution of America’s attempt to make Presidential elections a game show. In 4 years we can just have candidates make direct pitches to the SC, in the style of Shark Tank, and the SC can have a dramatic live appointment of the President, right on TV in prime time!


What would be the best game show for this election?

Off the top of my head, Jeopardy probably gives the best results, but Wipeout would probably be the most entertaining.


Are you Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?


Double Dare


The running man


The Japanese definitely have the best physical style game shows.

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So you make about tree fiddy on max bet of $850 after their fees on NY/Cali