In before Trump claims another CNN conspiracy


I’m giving up on Florida. It’s all about winning Pennsylvania imo.


It really is looking that way. The path for either candidate is EXTREMELY difficult if they lose Pennsylvania.

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I gotta be honest… the closer we get to the election the more at peace I am with the choice to run Biden. This whole election comes down to PA and his old white guy shtick is basically built to win races like those. Am I happy that the Edems are right to pander to voters over 50? No, but I’m not hating the polls showing that Biden is beating Trump with people over 65 either. Like it or not we know they vote.


Yeah and in particular in an election that’s all about Pennsylvania, Scranton’s favorite son is uniquely well positioned. He does well with black voters in Philly and Pittsburgh, and he gives beer to white firefighters in rust belt towns.


More signs going up every day out here in the burbs. No added Trump signs. All Biden and lower races for Dems. It’s actually quite astonishing.


Was sitting out on my porch, in front of which run a sidewalk that separates my place from the beach. There’s lots of foot traffic/joggers/bikers, etc. I have a Biden sticker on the sliding glass door that opens onto the porch. Lady walking her dog yesterday, was like, “nice to see an out democrat around here.” (She apparently lives like 7 houses down.)

It’s in Orange County, CA, but there’s still plenty of old folks and younger deplorables, probably like 55/45 Trump in this specific area. I have the only political sign/sticker, other than the guys with a Trump and a Q flag about 10 houses down who were apparently evicted. (I only saw the Q flag fly one weekend. I think they took them down at night for fear they would be snatched.)

My neighbors are an older couple who are neighborly to me (will like knock on my door if a package is on my porch). They don’t seem like deplorables (lady likes her wine, guy used to teach surfing), but I’ve seen Tucker on though their front window on occasion.




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I’m going to phone bank for Biden if I can call swing states.


You can! There are tons of groups doing this, as well as the Biden campaign itself.

go here, put in a swing state zip code (anything will do) and look for phone banks.

Text banking will probably get going very soon, too.

oops, forgot the link, lol


A few days after my move I’ll be getting in on some phone banking and text banking right up until the election. I plan on mostly sticking to PA since it’s the top state and I live here anyway, but I might do a little here and there for some key Senate campaigns out of purely selfish reasons - it’s a great feeling on election night to have been part of the “team” if they pull it off.

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I’ll text bank the shit out of some states, i sent thousands for midterms and it does feel good.


Yeah I’ve received campaign texts before but I always assumed there was some computer that mass sent out the texts. They come from people? I’d be down to text bank.


We could organize a UP phone bank/text bank session


The second one looks like it hurt a lot

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it depends. Some are automated, usually fundraising ones. Persuasion texts or event builds are done by volunteers using a program like…dun dun dun…SHADOW! (I know that will trigger some of you, hahaha)


i worked with Resistancelabs.com before. Did all sorts of different ones across the country for governor in FL, various house races. Feels great to get responses from people going to vote blue and excited. Also did ones for ballot initiatives and such.

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I would be more than willing to do this, but I would want to do some back end setup here on the forum first.

If it’s a phone bank, especially, we would need a private category or encrypted PMs for only those who sign up. The phone banking is done through a link to voter data, and I wouldn’t want that just out to the general public.

Text banking would probably require specific training from the campaign so you can get set up on their system.

I also know how to get lists from different down ballot campaigns…I have contacts in a lot of them across the country