What federal troops we talking about? I feel like the military would tell him to fuck off. Most of the FBI would too. It would need to be ICE

Once the mail in ballots are destroyed or manipulated, there is no going back. Does anyone have any difficulty seeing John Roberts writing a 5-4 “welp, impossible to know what the count would have been, current count stands” decision?

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Couldn’t Democratic governors refuse to certify and Nancy becomes president?

The same one who invested Portland and Kenosha, presumably.

Polls seem to not be moving much as of right now. My prediction for the election assuming no fuckery

Yeah that would be ICE. I feel like ICE/secret police seizing mail on ballots would be beyond the pale even for this supreme court and country

How many things have already happened that we all thought could “never happen?”


Take away FL, IA, and NC and I agree with this map.

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Don’t be ridiculous.

EXTREMELY stern letters and just MASSIVE amounts of concern.

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Absolutely sticking to my map, because it is simultaneously extremely plausible and peak 2020.


If it’s any comfort, Biden was +9 in ME-2 in that same poll.

lol every time, i look forward to hopefully seeing some of these on election night or day after with Biden + whatever


Here’s what the brain trust over at PredictIt thinks:

Isn’t it free money to take NY and California at those prices? Do you lose your bet if the election doesn’t happen or results aren’t certified?

Basically. There’s always marginal amounts of free money on PI due to fees and whatnot. There are much better valuebets elsewhere imo.

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I know nothing about PredictIt but surely there must be a 5% vig?

That’s not the most free money on the map, lol @ Alaska, perhaps it is weighting the chance of falling to a Russian invasion in October.

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10% on profits and a 5% withdrawal fee. Max bet size is $850. Plus, who knows if they pull a Full Tilt and run off with your money. All this tends to distort the market.

No clue what’s going on with Alaska. That’s some real free money right there.

I’ma just going to surmise that the amount of money down on AK is such that you could peg odds at 95 for the cost of something like $1.64, and no one has gotten around to clicking button yet.