There’s some weird stuff here.

Biden’s doing 4.1% better in Ohio but 1.5% worse in PA?

2.8% better in Wisconsin but 1% worse in Michigan?

Michigan and PA are correlated, as I’d expect. He’s doing worse in both - but he should be doing worse in Ohio too, then. And Wisconsin is whiter than PA and Michigan, but her he’s doing better there.

That polling is unsettling to me. On the other hand, Biden is doing 2.3% better in GA and 2.7% better in FL. That makes sense for them to be correlated, but I think they’re fools gold due to cheating and riggage.

Biden should open up an offensive in NC I think. Iowa is tempting, but it’s got a GOP governor and Secretary of State. One of the problems Biden has is no margin for error in a close election. If the only states in play from 2016 are PA, MI, WI, AZ, Biden must win PA and any two of the other three.

This is probably why his campaign has ignored Hispanic voters. Electorally speaking, Arizona doesn’t take Pennsylvania out of must-win territory. North Carolina does, though.

North Carolina: 69% white, 21% black, other groups <4%
Pennsylvania: 82% white, 11% black, other groups < 4%
Wisconsin: 86% white, 6% black, other groups < 3%
Michigan: 79% white, 14% black, rest < 2.5%

If the racial divides are magnified, counting on PA as a must win is even riskier… North Carolina could make sense as an insurance policy if the election shifts even more along racial lines. Trump could bring it more into play for Biden given the demographics there.

If you can put Trump in a spot where every step he takes toward aggrieved white voters in PA/WI decreases his odds in NC by increasing black turnout, you put him in a bad spot.

I have a feeling this is also why Trump is trying to get NV into play. Biden is strategically ignoring Hispanics because Arizona doesn’t have enough electoral votes to come into play at the tipping point in most scenarios. But if ignoring them lets Trump snag Nevada, that opens more pathways back up.


Hate to blow my own trumpet but I called America getting a fascist leader about 15 years ago, on another forum, and got rounded on, abused and told that the checks and balances of the constitution would never allow such a thing.

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I think in this case what is different is that the American White Supremacy Party ( the “GOP”) is ready to advocate open genocide on everyone between Chile and Texas (“Mexicans”). It really speaks to the strength of hate based narratives that Hispanics in the US can rally behind that. Even allowing for naked self interest they should fear that they will be collateral damage in the War On Tacos.

I’m trying not to.

Why are you friends with anyone who looks down on people based on where they come from

It still blows my mind today that travellers here in the UK are generally not considered white and looked apon as an other and there actual white people.

Just all goes to show how the concept of white people is made up


Naw. You just don’t know the wrong parts of LA.

As for the stands, I got two wags: the cops aren’t hassling them because of the pandemic. The other wag is that they’ve let restaurants open up in the public right of way, and into zoned parking, and they might feel to be on shaky ground excluding retail y/o 1st A activities in those same areas.

It can’t be said enough that race itself is a meaningless concept.

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More like everyone between Chile and ~San Antonio.


I don’t think they realize they’re rallying behind that level of hatred, racism and violence. I think we have to remember that most voters of all types are low information voters, and a lot of Hispanics voting for Trump think they’re voting against illegal immigration and for legal immigration, or against socialism.

Republican fear mongering about Dems and their “socialism” can probably be pretty effective on, say, immigrants from Venezuela or Colombia. When I dated a girl from Venezuela who had only been here a couple of years, she said she supported the GOP but didn’t like Trump - but he was still better than Democrats because they were socialists.

I told her Democrats were a center-left or centrist part on the international political spectrum, and asked her a series of questions about various policies such as, “Do you think healthcare should be 100% private, a mix of public and private, or public?” Then I told her where that put her relative to the American political spectrum and she was mostly left of Democrats.

She still kind of likes Trump, but now it’s single-issue: she thinks he’s the only chance for America to intervene in Venezuela to remove Maduro, which she wants. Don’t worry, she’s not a voter yet.


Step your game up imo

This has to be one of the bluest spots in SD county. Crazy. They must get tourists.

(For people not familiar it’s just down the hill from UCSD (36k enrollment) and like 1/4 mile from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.)

True but that idea has been co-opted by racist “I don’t even see color” dipshits to mask their racism and prevent progressive change. So its good to understand but if you say that in the wrong context it comes across as meaning the exact opposite of what you intend it to mean.



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So I found out a little more about these.

There are 13 (!!) of them and the guy moves them around the county as he sees fit. Apparently you do’t need a permit in San Diego county to sell political crap or flags on the sidewalk. Anything else you’ll get cited, but not this shit.

So theoretically I could go set up a Biden tent right next to them. It’s tempting based on troll factor,but really not because I don’t want to fork over the money and I also think the flag-waving cultish stuff is more of a Trump thing, anyway.

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Well if Trump flips California we’ll know its because of your lack of dedication.


So what’s the plan when Barr sends federal troops to seize mail in ballots?

Their plan is obvious. Declare victory on 11/3 then shut down the count. I get that Joe has hired lawyers but whats the plan for stopping the bad guys with guns?

Stern letters by Susan, Nancy, Mitt, and Chuck?

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If that is their plan there really isn’t anything we can do but hope the lawyers and national outrage wins out?

Maybe a national work strike?

Democratic governors in swing states refuse to certify the election and wait till Nancy takes over?