Zero chance


He’s doing well with the Hispanics he’s doing well with because of the racism.

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Yeah this is mega bizarre. There appears to be a huge number of Hispanics who think they’re white, or something?


There are a lot of White Hispanics. There will be more in the coming years if the Republicans are to hold power.

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Sure they do. There are tons of Hispanic people who self-identify as white, and many Hispanics who identify as Black will talk to you about anti-Black and anti-indigenous racism from white Hispanics. Many, notably Cubans and some Puerto Ricans, can pass as, for lack of a better term “full white.” Others may know that many white conservatives look down on them, but they think they’re on a better rung than Black or indigenous people, Hispanic or not.


Lets plop some of these folks down in the rural midwest and see how “white” the rest of the Trump voters think they are. God the whole thing is so fucking infuriating.

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This is very true in Brazil as well. The office towers are full of fair skinned Brazilians and the slums are full of black people. Its basically descendents of the Spanish and Portuguese vs descendents of slaves. Of course half of them are going to identify as “white”. Their history mirrors English slave owners from Georgia.

I feel like DVaut1 called this like 15 years ago. Too lazy to find it.

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For sure. Brazil is a good example of white Hispanic people, although they aren’t competing with or for entry into another whiter ruling class that may or may not grant them white status.

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DVaut’s take was the GOP would expand the definition of “white” to avoid demographic problems.



The Republicans don’t really have to do this. Sliding scale whiteness had been a feature of racism in many cultures for several years.

Yep. Basically, the argument was that even as demographics change, you can maintain the system of white supremacy by expanding the definition of white and thereby increasing the number of people who have a stake in perpetuating the system. There was a time when “white” really meant WASP, and Irish and Italian Catholics were part of the out group. Jewish folks often occupy a sort of in/sort of out space. There is a complex history wrt people of Persian descent before and after the Iranian revolution. Etc.


I was born and raised in 80% Latinx neighborhood (and am half Cuban, although mostly raised by my white mother). Some of the most racist people I know are Hispanic. Almost everyone I knew growing up (Cuban, Puerto Rican, South American) looked down on Mexicans. A large majority of that area still votes Democratic, but it’s not surprising to me at all that Trump is making inroads.


My south american friends look down on Mexicans, while from what I can tell Mexicans look down on central americans


Way too comprehensible for it to be a skalansky deep thought.