Yes, not surprising it lost to the public option which has much higher approval among dems and overall. And it seems likely all the people who support Medicare for all also support the plan dems actually are running on. Medicare for all or bust looks to be a small to nonexistent demo.

“or bust” doing some Atlas level lifting there

gg us



We are talking about progressives who won’t be voting for Biden vs Trump. That seems like the exact right description. Is this just a troll job? Not interested in wasting my time here.

We know for a fact that the stupid potato feels the bank owner demographic is large enough to pander to… because he is.

Does anyone believe that the progressive demographic is significantly smaller than the bank owner demographic?


MC never said he wasn’t voting for Biden.

That really does seem like it’s potentially gg us. With a federal government welcoming such interference and plenty of state governments turning a blind eye or abetting, Trump could win “legitimately” by a huge amount. And I have no idea wtf we can do about it. Ugh.

boat parade?



That could be another reason why Trump is so against mail in ballots. Easier to erase votes that don’t have a paper trail.

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I never said MC said he wasn’t voting for Biden. But I can see my troll job question was answered, so good night.

Conceded. You did say that middle age and older progressives are a group that is too small to be pandered to, which seems silly when you consider that 41% of his base (and 15% of the republican base!) is hard support for m4a.

Sabo correctly pointed out that, as a group, they are a much larger block than people who own financial institutions, a group Biden is currently pandering to. Strange :thinking:

If you had said that Biden can tell progressives to fuck off because the vast majority of them are going to hold their noses for him anyway I wouldn’t be “trolling” you. It’s a huge problem, but that’s the situation that we find ourselves in. But you used the phrase “so small” to describe the group of progressive likely voters. That isn’t correct.



Only 3% undecided too.

Edit: Rasmussen list as +8 on their site, 51 to 43.

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PA, where Biden is ~+5, really looks like the lynchpin for Dems. They can afford to lose every current tossup state and still win if they can take PA.

Not going to pretend like I don’t agree with them. Aging is a natural process that happens to everyone. Being POTUS is arguably the hardest job in the world… and these guys are both 15+ years past the age where I could imagine it being possible that there wasn’t someone just as good who wasn’t ancient. Like in a world where experience really mattered (and I’m not a big believer in that right now tbh because of how fast the world has been changing) it still wouldn’t be possible to argue that it made sense to make anyone over the age of 65 POTUS. Just endurance alone is a good enough reason. Look at how the job ages people, that’s a lot of pushing yourself to the absolute brink fatigue and sleep wise and it goes on for 4-8 years.


Trump’s advantage here is that he doesn’t care about the job or the country at all, and therefore the same pressures don’t apply to him.


Yes that’s accurate. Everyone else the office weighs on like an anchor because they have a conscience and the job is a series of probably pretty unpleasant choices. Nightmarish trolley problem situations on a daily basis to the point where you probably just get numb to it.

Trump is totally unbothered because he doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but himself and being President means having real power so things are going great for him no matter how the country is doing under him.


I swear to god if anyone says “blue wall”…


The Biden is a Marxist or Biden is feeble minded thing has really penetrated. Whatever the F they are doing, it works.

I told someone that even if Biden misspeaks, they aren’t going to make up a new government policy to match anything dumb he says. Trump says something stupid and next thing you know it’s some great strategy.