Deal. I guess I’ll just leave it here with this post and then move on. I have zero people on my ignore list, and I genuinely don’t want to call for your ban or bully you out of here. Anger is one of the most important emotions people have, insofar as it - when thoughtfully directed - energizes us to solve problems and overcome obstacles. I’m glad your anger is pointed toward the cause of improving average quality of life for the disenfranchised and I’m grateful for your energy in that regard. I think it could be more thoughtfully directed toward real problem-solving rather than toward the largely wonderful people in this community. It’s possible that I’m wrong.


I think drone strikes were brought up much more often when Obama was president than now.


Yeah, but brought up how? Like Ikes would post about them and then ~all the liberals would say GWB was worse or McCain would have been worse.

No, liberals (who now call themselves lefties) loved to drag Obama for drone strikes. I don’t know where this world exists where Greenwald fans didn’t drag Obama from the left.

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Ikes was never anti-war as far as I can recall.

I didnt really discuss politics on the interwebz during Obamas presidency but I remember leftist people around me all hating it. It was talked about all the time actually and how shitty it was.

My friend actually offered me a super good job at general atomics and I had to term him down flat. Would have been a super sweet gig but couldnt live with myself.


It took a fair amount of work to get this and I’m not looking more. From 4/2011 LC thread

And Trolley, how about Falcon?

Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon View Post

Also, I seem to recall a bunch of lefties screaming about how drone strikes are totally illegal and war crimes and stuff but they seem pretty quiet about it right now. There’s another special prosecutor job created or saved to get us through this economic malaise.

Dvault’s reply

Let’s also be careful here. When the left is screeching about illegal, war crime drone actions, they’re making reference to the CIA drone program , not the military’s use of drones (which I’m sure the left also has a problem with. See Greenwald).

But the charges of illegal use/war crimes being committed with respect to drones is almost exclusively focused on some civilians in Langley bringing hot Hellfire missile death on randos in countries we haven’t declared war on.

While I’m sure people have ethical/moral questions about the use of predator drones by the military , I think it’s relatively uncontroversial from a legal perspective.

Pretty sure what’s going on in Libya is military action, ie, the drone pilots are military members , report to the military chain of command, have been briefed by JAG units, wear uniforms with clear insignia on them, etc. Yes? Consequently a different set of legal standards apply.


And a lot of interesting stuff in that April 2011 LC thread, including stuff about Trump.


What would dvault have said about droning a journalist’s house with his family inside?

Falcon almost never posted anything that wasn’t him being silly (he was hilarious and one of the GOAT posters). When he did have actual takes, his views (as I recall) were mostly in line with the mainstream 80’s-90’s Republican Party.


You have to do a search for “bombing brown people,” that was the mantra the Libertarian crowd always used when they wanted to rag on Obama for drone strikes. Because people of color have no truer friend than the Ron Paul fans.

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Ok, but my point, ikes or falcon, is that most of the talk about drones went like that. Concern trolling from the right and reflexive defense of Obama from the left. It will be no different with Biden. Maybe it’ll look a little different on this forum in particular because we essentially have no Republicans, but it will always be team support first and Biden’s drones will be defended or ignored.


I hope when the time comes that you’ll help us manifest the discussion around this closer to the dynamic you’re looking for. I’ll be listening.

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As a mod from the yellow group he will be forced to or we will violently overthrow him


Feel free to link to establishment democrats talking about the primary voter suppression

Some would say he’s already been violently overthrown. But there’s speculation he’s secretly overthrowing us. I try not to think about it

Me? I’m not a mod as far as I know.

Kamala is a handsome woman, don’t @ me

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And God damn do I miss DVaut


But what do you think about her shoes?