We all want to get them to zero.

If you left out the “this isn’t a dig at microbet” part I could never have imagined that you were talking about me. Now I’m wondering why you would even have that disclaimer. I’m not even sure what you mean if you are talking about Watevs though. You think it’s that Trumpers are rude on internet forums? You think Trumpers share a disdain for lesser of two evils arguments?

My read is impacted by seeing this interaction span multiple threads, but I understand yours as well - particularly if you genuinely feel like it’s not OK to say something negative about Biden/Kamala here. I don’t share that same perception, but I’ll try to hold myself to the standard of supporting disparate ideas - as long as they’re well-intentioned and delivered without unnecessary vitriol.


Probably, but do you remember when drone strikes were brought up during Obama’s Presidency?

[quote=“cuserounder, post:1390, topic:2388”]

I’m sick of this shit from you.[/quote]

deplorable shit. seems like 80% less is acceptable as long as he doesn’t have to see my posts again

lol. I was butting into a reply from Nono to you, and wanted to make that clear.

I was by no means only talking about Whatevs, but he is just as mindlessly abusive as some of the people he’s arguing with, who are just as abusive as Trumpers.

I guess it’s just how people here like to argue, but it’s possibly part of the reason why there are so few posts in the political threads from Euros (not that that’s necessarily a terrible thing for the forum).

Maybe one day I’ll be able to affect the haughty attitude of a guy who comes into threads about American politics to tut-tut about how no one here cares about Africa


I’m definitely not suggesting he’s not abusive, just that he usually doesn’t start it and that if people actually think it’s ok to not be happy with Joe and Kamala they wouldn’t react the way they do to him.

But, yeah, he was a dick to eyebooger for very little reason and to you now for even less reason.

Then why not refuse to support any candidate that says they will use drone strikes?

The frustrating thing is that he has valid points to make but self-immolates prematurely.

I mean, he’s certainly right about US presidents being war criminals, and no one should expect Biden to be any different if he wins.

@Nononocantsleep if you think this is some salient discussion that I should engage with rather than a condescending post from someone with a child’s understanding of the world, we’ll have to agree to disagree.

It deserves a Shut The Fuck Up. It’s not some “tough question”, it’s a troll. If you don’t want to see me responding in kind, ignore. Or go get the mods to ban me or something. But lol at telling me that this person is doing some sort of Ideas Discussion

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That’s what I’m here for.


Without FL, Dems have to win all the battleground states except maybe NC and AZ (I’m assuming OH is not winnable).

Like what?

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Like the one I cited?

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He too frequently does start it.


Do you mean in personal or journalism settings? Both?



sorry that I derailed a discussion of Kamala’s sweet chuckies with a more sober discussion of how her actual footwear of choice is a boot on the neck of the common folk.

hey did you know that we are 100% going to get either biden or trump? Food for thought

It’s very true in journalism settings, but I was specifically thinking of the Pol forum on 2p2.

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