@anon38180840 sorry your damn brain is broken but both are fucking unacceptable.

Sorry that you see Obama’s drone strikes and think hey it’s cool to go back there. I’m advocating for people who incredibly, don’t want to do this stuff.

Ignore me so you can get that empty dome back under the sand

Remember in 2008 when ikes would come in to crow whenever Rasmussen had McCain up by 1-2%? And if you showed him that literally every other poll had Obama +6, he’s insist Ras is the only true reliable polling firm. Those were good times.


Yes. But you would agree that there is a 100% chance that we are getting one of those options, correct?

LOL, good talk.

Glad you can answer the tough questions.


thank you eyebooger for posing the tough questions, i have serious insight into our two-party system now

I get that most of y’all want to get back to the Obama era where you didn’t really have to think this stuff, but he should be on trial for war crimes the same way Bush and the rest of them should be. Maybe think about breaking this cycle of death for once.

Sounds great, why don’t you lay out the plan?

I’m pretty sure being a self-righteous dick on the internet is Step 1.


The primaries are over. What now, given that we didn’t get that?

The answer to a better world is clearly to find people on the internet who care about drone strikes more than Kamala’s shoes, and then ask them whether they understand the two party system

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Voting doesn’t even matter for 90% of the people in the country. Stop being self-righteous about that before you yell at people for being self-righteous about not liking drone murder.


You and I have a very different reading re: the last few posts and who is doing the “yelling.”

Watevs uses this forum like his punching bag, showing up every couple of days to unleash his rage on people that largely enable him because we’re sympathetic to the things he’s pissed off about. I’m increasingly empathetic to the anti-establishment message and appreciate the diversity of ideas that brings to the forum. I’m less excited about recurrent weekly attacks on “broken-brained” forum posters whose ideas and intentions both have value.

This forum is a great place to share ideas. There are better places for blowing off aggressive steam.


Looks like RCP doesn’t recognize Morning Consult, perhaps among a few others.

The funny thing is (and this isn’t a dig at microbet) the dominant view itf is that people here are much better people than Trumpers, which is true of their values, but their behaviour in many cases seems to me to be no different.

Second verse same as the first

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Pretty much everyone here is against the drone strikes.

I have all but given up on Florida. DeSantis and Co. are simply not going to let Biden win that state.

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fantastic , maybe some of those people can pushback against a post like

criticizing someone who wants to get them to zero

The way this last episode went down, he came in here with a little rant directed at no one here and then someone told him they were sick of his shit. Then fighting happened. Maybe if it was just ok to say something negative about Joe Biden or Kamala Harris this wouldn’t have gone down with so much “yelling”.