


Kamala has a shit ton more, actually, because she’s a co-sponsor of the new Voting Rights act

This took less than 5 minutes with a twitter advanced search, btw. But please don’t strain yourself.




I remember there was a poll floating around where only like 32% of liberals supported Obama’s drone strikes.


This is the most telling graph of the difference between the left and right I have ever seen!


I’m shocked you would put “only” in there. What do you think the opposition is like if 32% explicitly approve?

I think there are very different reasons for the Democratic support in 2013 and 2017.

Which reasons? Genuinely curious.

In 2013 it was “Obama is super smart, has assembled the greatest collection of experts ever and I’m pretty sure whatever he’s doing is right.” In 2017 it was “Trump is not confronting Putin and Assad because he’s compromised.”

Are you telling me the neoliberal ruling class pretended to give the left a tiny slice of power and then never actually did?

I know your tongue is in your cheek a bit, but I was an admin and treasurer for a while, but I resigned because I wanted to advocate for things without power and I dreamed we could all run this site and share and rotate responsibilities/duties.

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I know some people like to play the hits, but can we leave the re-relitigation of drone strikes to “shit no one cares about” thread when there’s 56 days until one of the most important elections in US history?

If Biden is elected I’m sure we’ll have plenty of threads that can delve into the finer points of Obama’s foreign policy and how he pretty much also did child separation on an industrial scale or whatever.


I dunno. I’m quite surprised you don’t welcome the break from the relentless WAAFing.

It’s not possible there is a subset of dems who believe war is justified in some cases and prefer drones to sending humans?

For the record, I’m a pacifist and think all violence is morally repugnant.

If I answer yes to that, it says virtually nothing about whether or not my previous statement was true. Is that really the question that you want to ask? Of course it is possible that there is some subset of Democrats who may approve of some war in some circumstances.

If your postulate was true wouldn’t we expect a similar partisan swing like we see among republicans?

very surprised to see that someone who papers over the crimes of the Lincoln Project’s Iraq War cheerleaders would have this line on drone strikes

That’s what ~everyone here wants. And it’s happening slowly (yes, too slowly for my liking, but it’s happening).

No. Duverger’s Law is real. So I’m a hard no on this unless ranked choice voting becomes a mainstream thing.

I’m on board with this. If the idea is to do things that are outside the world of electoral politics, that’s great.

If the Dems split into two parties how would either get elected ever again without widespread political reform and likely amendments to the constitution?

P.S. it’s not fair to claim Biden is “anti-progressive”. Not progressive enough, sure.

False claim on both sides of it

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