Let me guess, Facebook.


My mom is one of these and so is my wife’s mom. They are both voting for Trump and won’t admit it. The only chance is that they don’t vote at all.

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It has to be mostly Facebook and a dash of foxnews.

‘Real voters might not answer their phones for polls’. I have answered exactly one poll in the last 4 years (online) due to my ‘shyness’.

It’s even more frustrating because she’s not a typical deplorable at all, she’s actually kind and empathetic. She should be an easy get for Democrats but the Republican fake news war machine is too strong in these parts.


Fucking great.

People in these cultural wasteland areas dominated by Sinclair / Fox News / Facebook were always Trump voters. The issue is how many show up to vote. Turnout was high among this group in 2016 and they are a smaller proportion of the electorate this time around, so turnout has to not only be higher, but so much higher that it offsets what is sure to be immense motivation/turnout from the left AND deterioration of the suburban Trump vote.

BTW, the brainwashing in these communities is North Korea level. You basically can’t be a functioning member of society without buying into right-wing propaganda.


I think it was a recent Weeds podcast discussing this, that what has been Trump’s secret weapon is also his weakness: stability. His popularity has not seen dramatic highs or lows like virtually every other president. It’s infuriating to see how much of his support remains immune to reassessment, but that’s the kind of figure he is. He’s never going to see a huge dip in approval–but he’s never going to see a huge bump either.

That’s a valid point.

To really hammer it home here’s a game: Everyone please try to imagine a scenario where Trump wins your vote for 2020. I’m looking forward to the scenarios you guys come up with. Straight up science fiction is encouraged. After which I will pronounce your scenario as ‘crazier than Q’ or ‘saner than Q’ for the lol’s.

There’s a decent chance that roughly 50% of the voting age humans in the US hate this dude’s guts with a pretty fiery passion. He’s not winning them over at this point.

There isn’t one absent gun to head.

If all voting was on day of, and the night before the election it was confirmed that Biden was keeping a ring of abducted children in his basement, I just wouldn’t vote or would vote 3rd party. Not really, though, I’d still vote for Biden.

Beyond family getting kidnapped there is no scenario I vote Trump. I can come up with crazy scenarios where I vote 3rd party, but never Trump. If I lived in a swing state though…not sure what it would take.

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How about a Freaky Friday scenario where Trump and Bernie switch bodies? And then Bernie’s body has a fatal heart attack so there’s no backsies.


Even then, it would depend on what kind of week I was having.


So I get Bernie’s policy but I have to watch Trump’s body still be president?

Who’s voice?


I wrote the damn bill and people are saying it’s the best bill ever.


Isn’t this study a complete paradox and basically worthless. So the same people that are unwilling to tell pollsters who they are going to vote for, were perfectly happy telling this pollster who they were going to vote for.


I could vote for Bernie in Trump’s body with Trump’s voice if and only if he took a pledge of silence.

I think Trumps voice comes with the body. But trump shouting with bernie’s voice and waving his arms around would be awesome.

But I now realize the utter cruelty in my scenario - Bernie would have to live out his days seeing Trumps face in the mirror.