yeah, because of limited opportunities but they have easier lines to beat than sports. especially if you can bet american stuff on euro books (they don’t understand our govt) or versus idiots instead of books.

The books just copied PI’s odds or each other and the sports ones don’t frequently update it.

There’s actually a decent arb over books for one state out there I hammered a few days ago.

This election–all sorts of weird shit is possible though gotta be a bit careful reading the rules.

I’m probably going to do it for free.

Before you excoriate me, I live in MA. There are no races in the general where my vote matters.

I guess leaving it up to the states is a good idea. You could do what they did for the drinking age being 21, agree or you get zero federal funding for roads etc.

But politically giving the red states their state rights is fine. Maybe it’ll make the weed smoking libertarian shitheads reason to vote dem lol.

Tell him there are fewer abortions every year under Democratic administrations, because increased access to birth control and contraceptives reduces unwanted pregnancies and reduces abortions. It’s true.


I seriously regret giving money to anyone ever because of the amount of spam email I’m getting from random democratic candidates around the country.


This is true. But…

I’m more worried that Trump will embrace it, sign a bill, and take credit for it like he has with the First Step Act.

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Yeah, it really doesn’t leave a warm and fuzzy feeling when you donate to a Democratic candidate to try to save our democracy and you’re treated like someone who signed up for Pottery Barn deal alerts. I’m quite sure that substantially all people on the money side of politics are absolutely revolting humans.


I’d be shocked, I think his base instincts will be LAW AND ORDER! I also don’t think there’s a chance in hell the Senate would take up the bill.

I just opt out of them as I get them. The only ones I get anymore are from Win The Era and Warren Democrats and neither of them spam (it’s maybe 3-4 per week). It’s usually updates/invitations to events with their endorsed candidates.

But yes, they are terrible. During the primary there was a person who had a whole daily blog where they tracked the emails sent by the candidates (number and content). They even had two separate email accounts, one for non-donor, and one for donor (they donated $1 to each campaign to get on the donor list). It was fascinating.

I think this is a good ad from an artistic POV, but I can’t decide if it will be effective.


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It’s the democratic version of late 90’s early 00’s gay marriage on the ballot. Dems should try to get it on the ballot in red states and/or run politicians who run on a plank of legalizing it and they’ll pick up seats, etc.

The inability of the minority party to force the majority to take up and actually vote on a bill is a real fucking flaw in our system.


Lol this is a real gem:

That’s like saying Pompeii “faced a quite unusual weather phenomenon”, or that COVID-19 is a “quite unusual cold.”

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He looks completely ignorant of what is happening. Perfectly American.




My blood pressure is sky high after my mom showed up and saw my Biden sign and started JAQ’ing off. Disgusted face “you really like Biden?”

She “doesn’t watch the news or follow politics” but Biden’s a pedophile, is senile, there is major fraud when mail in voting is allowed, all the states did their own thing for covid so what could Trump have done, both sides are bad people and corrupt, every president has every one around them go to prison that’s normal, and on and on and on.

For someone who doesn’t follow politics she sure has a handle on all the talking points.


She looked at me like I had horns when I said if Trump wins there won’t be another legitimate election, and if he does win I will be looking to move out of the country.