I’m trying to, read it again.

Totally a gag post. No worries.

Echo the idea to call the dem voter helpline.


Yeah so much this too. The high ground in politics is finding something that a lot of people have strong positive feelings about and posting up as the defender of that something. Fentanyl was to drug prohibition what methanol was to alcohol prohibition. The play is there and it isn’t hard, we just have to make the fucking play.

We say we want to legalize weed because it’s less harmful than alcohol and we need the tax revenue and want to stop wasting police resources.

The pitch for the drug decriminalization is a very strong ‘think of your children/grandchildren’ which will spark all of that extremely flammable pain that people have experienced during the opiate epidemic in the white working class. Being effective on the opiate epidemic and actually getting rid of fentanyl (which requires legalization logistically) will be stratospherically popular after implementation regardless of how popular it is before it happens.

It would also indicate, that we, as a party, actually give a shit about poor whites. Actually improve their lives in a meaningful way.

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Scene: the camera pans down from the snow capped Rockies to a nice deck in a yard in Colorado. As it’s panning, Biden makes a moderately funny joke and he and Obama start laughing hysterically.

As it finishes panning down, we’re behind them and we see Obama exhale. Looks like he’s smoking a cigarette. “You crack me up Joe… This is some good stuff, where’d you get it?”

(The camera rotates around and we realize it’s a joint, and notice that Biden has one too, plus his usual aviator shades are on.)

Biden: At the store, we’re in Colorado buddy.

Obama: Whoaaaa, I just got the best idea Joe! You should legalize weed nationwide!

(Biden pulls his shades down and gives Obama a look.)

Biden: C’mon, man! … That’s a great idea!

Obama: Cool, hey, where’s Kamala?

Biden: She doesn’t know I’m here. You can’t smoke weed in front of Copmala!

(They laugh hystetically, fade to black.)


I’m more of an IDDQD or IDKFA guy tbh.


No, this is the endgame for legal weed at the federal level. It’s always going to be up to the states. States have general police power and the ability to ban stuff. Just taking it off the Schedule is enough for it to eventually be legal almost everywhere.

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I’ve spent my life earning a first-class ticket to hell. It’s where all my friends will be.

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Plus now banks can process those monies without bothering all of the law enforcement trying to wrap up the Hillary/Hunter investigations

Those of a nervous disposition should scroll past this.




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Meh I dont know why you guys put much stock into betting odds in regards to politics. Its just a bunch of defense. Like I dont think there are a ton of political betting sharps who make a living betting politics like there are sports bettors


A 3 point bump from a convention is really nbd.

Yeah but that’s the net of both convention bumps. The GOP going last means that the net should be smaller than that, but it’s probably still a net move toward Trump.

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Where are all the people who’ve been saying that after four years of this very few votes are in play?

And who are the people switching from Biden to Trump, or from Biden to abstention, or from abstention to Trump, or turning out for Trump as a first time voter (lol)?

My cousin lives in a swing state, and has posted a few times on Facebook about how he’s a strong third-party supporter. I’m trying to figure out how best to persuade him to vote for Biden. He cares about racial justice. I guess his sticking point has something to do with his religious views. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect he is pro-life, so maybe he can’t bring himself to vote for the pro-choice party.

If i got 100 people I know in swing states to vote that would help Trump.


There are always a few people moving in the direction of the party that held a convention in the last few days. The race almost always goes back to baseline within a week, which was Biden +9 in that poll. Those votes aren’t really in play.

How much money would it take for you to not vote in this election? None of your family or friends will ever know.

What about my enemies?