Yes. The resemblance is uncanny.

This guy just called Contra 3 easy

pushes up glasses

Bro, the reason it’s called “The Konami Code” is that it was used in many Konami games, not just Contra. Otherwise it would just be called “The Contra Code.”

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Under-35 professional wrestler Xavier Woods has a YouTube gaming channel called UpUpDownDown.

I never cheated at video games because I knew that Jesus was watching


I think a lot of boomers are for prohibition. This is going to be interesting to watch play out, because Fox News is going to crank up the OMG THE DEMS LOVE DRUGS AND CRIMINALS THEY WANT TO LEGALIZE HEROIN bullshit. Trump will attack them for it, and it’ll play into the law and order narrative. My guess is it does get Trump’s base even more agitated, and boost their turnout a bit… but it might turn out more people on the left.

I’m 34 and I do not know what it is. Good o/u.


for shame


Exactly. We like to think that the Boomers were the era of peace and free love and sex drugs n rock n roll, but really they were mostly squares who were okay with using drug crimes as a vehicle for locking up young black men. The flower power hippies were a fringe group.

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I don’t know what a Konami cheat code is because I’m too old. Maybe if I lived in a frat or something. I suppose they played video games in frats. Anyway, Google tells me contra came out in 87 and I graduated HS in 85.


Anyone shook about weed being legalized was already voting Trump. Like 100% of them.

There are no people who are like I don’t know who to vote for WAIT WHAT, they’re making marijuana legal? Off to vote for Trump.


Yeah I’ve been (correctly) saying that the Dems should put legal weed front and center for the general election. It’s a huge turnout issue. I’ve thought that drug legalization and the final death of prohibition should be the Dems main crusade for years now.

Legal weed and opiate treatment/decriminalization are both massive winning issues in white Ohio in 2020.

Isn’t Biden himself against legal weed? I acknowledge he is just a Trojan horse for the far left so his actual beliefs don’t matter.

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So all the old guys like Biden are against legal weed… because to say that weed is actually fine would be to acknowledge to themselves that they stole the lives of at least 10’s of thousands of people and are personally responsible for that. That’s a lot of cognitive dissonance to take on. They’ll sign the bills while mumbling about how worried they are about what will happen next.

We need to work the weed angle now too before the GOP figures it out. They are close. I’d be 0% surprised if a whole bunch of churches discover that weed is gods plant between now and 2024 as the GOP pivots toward weed and opiate decriminalization/treatment since it’s super fucking obvious for the states that matter in the electoral college.

There’s an easy libertarian argument to be made for it too. They’ve been workshopping it for years.


They still mostly suck

" The bill would not legalize the drug, which would be left up to states, but the vote will still be a historic step in the effort to reduce legal penalties related to the drug . House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said in an email to members that the vote will take place during the September work period.

I highly doubt most white people are for opiate decriminalization anywhere and I’d need to see several legit polls to believe otherwise.

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It’s also a great way for states to increase revenue with their budget shortfalls. We’re going to see a wave of states legalizing weed and online gambling the next few years.

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It’s all about how you approach it. Working class communities in the middle of an opiate epidemic are interested in listening if you’ve got a fresh approach to what clearly isn’t working.

Vote in person


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And if we move on it now, they’ll reflexively say that druggie Hunter Biden buys his weed from Hillary’s cartel that runs all the corners in Baltimore with the backing of George Soros because it helps them with their child sex trafficking, and marijuana is a gateway drug and it stunts your growth and kills your brain and makes you piss chemicals that turn the frogs gay in the violent cities with Democrat mayors, because this is Joe Biden’s brain on drugs so just say no.

So locking them in on their bullshit is a good thing.