This one really is for all the marbles. Not only are we headed for full blown autocracy, but we are in the midst of a genocide that will only get worse. And we are flirting with civil war.

It’s scary to me how much of what I thought could happen in 2016/2017 is now happening. Here is a rather prophetic post I made in 2018:

I think we are heading for some type of civil war - i doubt it’d ever get to the level it did before, but we’re basically just a few steps away from trump declaring democrats enemies of the state.

I think there will be some type of trigger like a major economic crisis, start seeing a smattering of small skirmishes between protesters/counter protestors that end up in deaths, like charlotsville, trump will escalate, people start taking to the streets out of anger and frustration, mass riots, violent government crackdown. - from there who knows.

I find it hard to believe in this current direction that this outcome is not inevitable.

It’s happened almost exactly this way. With the shooter in Kenosha LITERALLY being defended and idolized all over the web by the rabid right, and the fact that police basically support armed civilian right-wing militias roaming the streets - I think we start to see more incidents like this. Will the left take up arms and fight? I think it eventually happens in a 2020 - 202x trump reign. I sincerely hope I am wrong.

If trump wins, whatever civil war we end up in will be documented in the history books as having already begun. Maybe biden winning will be the trigger. No matter what, I just cannot see how we escape some kind of civil war. But those outcomes will be worse in a trump govt than a biden govt.




Yeah, that’s why these are dumb, especially given the current situation. There’s a presidential forecast model that uses Q2 to predict the result that has trump winning like negative 150 electoral votes. Meanwhile if you used only Q3 data you’d have Biden winning negative electoral votes. They’re meaningless.

While we snicker, a third of Americans reading that would nod along and think it genuinely is pro Trump.

GDP growth Jan to Sept is “2nd quarter GDP”?


Too easy


When Joe Biden can zing ya, ya might have picked a message filled with malarkey.

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The bill’s lead sponsor is Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris (D-Calif.).

They’re doing it.gif


I’ve said this for a while, legalizing weed is like the Konami cheat code for crushing an election. Even the Democratic politicians are all like a generation behind the public. There is just absolutely no constituency for marijuana prohibition other than Mormons and the prison industry.

A fear I’ve had for a while is that Republicans beat Dems to the punch. Even chiefsplanet is 95% pro-weed.


This seems… smart? And the right thing? And played well?

I’m confused


Prediction. We get republicans come out and say “we need to keep weed illegal. Is the best way to arrest black people and keep them from protesting in your white suburb”

It still won’t go anywhere as far as the senate though right? And we’ll hear about as much about it being held up as we do the other 200 bills on mitch’s desk.

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No one under 35 knows what the Konami cheat code is anymore. :frowning:


We’ll see. It won’t pass now, and I don’t expect House Democrats to suddenly become good at messaging, but legalized weed has a pretty good PR machine that might jump in independently and start talking it up.

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Agree. Kamala being the lead sponsor has a chance to command a lot of election votes. People want weed to be legal. Hard to turn down a VP who already sponsored a bill to do so.

I didn’t know what the Konami Code was until like 10 years ago, even though I previously knew and used the code.

I guess that probably doesn’t make sense.

What I’m saying is, I don’t remember anybody talking about a “Konami Code” or using the knowledge as some sort of cultural reference point. It was just a thing you did when you played Contra.

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You are like the darkest universe version of comic book guy where he went to college and got an English degree


This guy?


But I didn’t read comic books or get a college degree.


34, and beat Contra on NES legit.

Contra actually a little overrated on the difficulty scale. Pick up S and be careful