Doc Ock tried that as Superior Spider-Man when he switched bodies and let Peter die as Octavius, but it turned out a shade of the dead Peter Parker survived in his brain while Doc Ock commandeered his body.

I do like the name Superior Bernie.


I think it’s more complicated than this…

Trump’s base, however small, is much more enthusiastic than Biden’s. In fact, I don’t personally know a single person who actually LIKES Biden. They’ll just be voting for him to get rid of Trump (I fall into this category). This alone, is a metric that scares the fuck out of me

Voting may prove difficult for many. Who knows where we’ll be with coronavirus by November? Many either won’t have time or won’t know how to vote by mail. And of course, the GOP will be doing everything in their power to prevent a huge voter turnout. Remember whatever Trump projects is what’s true of himself. When he wails on that the election will be rigged, it means he’s doing everything in his power to rig it in his favor

It also seems to me that the highly corrupt Democratic party took a huge risk by deciding to ignore the progressive left in favor of targeting moderate Republican voters. Maybe it’s a genius move. I don’t know. But for people like me, the ONLY reason I’ll be voting for Biden is because I honestly don’t think democracy can survive another 4 years of Trump. Many don’t share this fear and are more than willing to leave the top of the ticket blank, which is what’d I’d like to do as well

Lastly, the average voter is lazy, ignorant, and dumb. This group either won’t vote at all or is more likely to vote incumbent

Bottom line: I’m scared AF Trump wins a 2nd term

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I think Obama put the fear of god into a lot of people who weren’t paying as much attention with his convention speech. Every pundit panel was talking about how scared and disturbed they were by his words, and how they had never seen him talk like that, etc.

I’ve seen the “this might be the end of democracy” sentiment growing a bit more on social media, too, even among vanilla feel-good “blue 2020” type pages. I hope it penetrates.

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Maybe the pollster’s first words were, “Hey, I know you’re probably pretty skeptical of me, but let’s be real, Black people, immigrants, they kind of stink, right? You can talk to me, I understand.”


I think Bernie could live with that if he got to fuck over Trump’s “agenda”.

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This isn’t really that difficult. I live in a solid R state, so you could buy my meaningless vote for a reasonable fee and / or citizenship in New Zealand or the EU.

Holy fucking hell. There is nothing even slightly funny about this episode of Last Week Tonight. Just straight fucking fire


That’s just your social circle. I know plenty of people who like Biden, and I like Biden. Biden has higher favorables than Trump and Clinton. Dont’ @ me.

I’m taller than Gary Coleman and Snooki.

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Somewhere between now and Election Day Trump comes out with the mass arrests Q has been predicting and reveals to the world with hard evidence that the entire conspiracy theory was true. He also comes out stating that he is actually liberal and the entire past however many years has been a complete act in order to bring down the massive conspiracy and the Republican Party simultaneously. He promises that if you re-elect him along with a Dem House and Senate that taking up all of the electoral reform in HR1 plus M4A will be his top two policy priorities.

So in other words, it’s never happening.

This was a really powerful episode. Hope it spreads widely.



Let me translate: 3rd party voters are 53/47 Trump


i’m not understanding the correlation between these things, but JP Morgan got all that money, they must know something





I’ve been hammering for a long time that trump is unpopular in the military. Even like 6 months ago he had a like 43% approval rating.

Shitting on mattis and a ton of other vets, the Russian bounties, sucking up to autocrats. Only the super dumb privates and racists in the military like him.

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And I believe the 3rd party numbers. I have a couple vet friends who are all about 3rd party because they cant back a dem but absolutely hate trump. If you forced them to choose they’d choose biden.

Correct. That’s my social circle, but I guarantee 100% of progressives HATE Biden

Why would I @ you? Or did you mean don’t quote you?



“Don’t @ me” is a twitter meme/expression that people use with hot takes to basically say don’t argue with me b/c I don’t really care about your opinion. It’s often a joke, though.