The article you linked is talking about turnout as a percentage of total registered voters in each year. Early voting in TX so far this year is a smaller percentage of registered voters than all voting was in 2016. But the number of registered voters has increased significantly in the past four years.

That means the prior fact can be consistent with the total number of early votes cast so far this year being greater than the total number of votes cast for 2016.

Early voting is huge. It gives people so much more raw opportunity to vote, which benefits lower income people and minorities disproportionately.

Georgia’s main problem is the purges, which would have been a lot more difficult if we had—my school-aged self would be perplexed to know my adult-aged self would have to say this—a Voting Rights Act.

But the purges have been well-publicized. There are strong advocacy and GOTV groups here. The very reality of the purges has enraged and motivated people. The purges were known well before registration deadlines.

So Georgia is indeed one of the most fucked states, but they’re reaching the limits of what even that can do, without making early voting more difficult (which would be hugely unpopular).


Well I mean, yeah.

He was making 60K PER MONTH! He probably went through laptops like tissue.


Any idea where to find these numbers by county? I’m curious whether Placer is showing similar output

Now there’s a sentence.

This is your brain on drugs.



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That’s probably 53 percent of registered voters, and there are more registered voters in Texas now then in 2016.



Did the man in the box look like a really really really reallllllllly stupid Mark Duplasss? Cause if so, I saw him too.

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Looks like you have to sign up for it:

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This is excellent.


Can you talk on discord like with microphones? Without an ability to have an actual election night party in real life I would love to be in like some sort of talking chat room with a bunch of you assholes. Don’t feel like typing though because it would take me away from hitting f5 on Twitter


Fake news. That is definitely not peameal bacon in the diagram for Canada.

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The fact that the AG and the Governors mansion in PA are both controlled by Democrats means that attempts to stop the counting will have a much more difficult time. I’m not sure how you do it honestly.

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Well apparently individual Republican counties can just say “Herp derp, we can’t even start counting mail-in votes until Wednesday. And, by golly, we’re gonna have to count them extra slow to make sure we get it right.”

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I mean… I 100% guarantee those two women are in the bottom 10% of the population by education. They’re poor uneducated whites from KY. It’s ridiculous that we’re losing that demo, but we’re losing that demo. I’m pretty sure they come around if we ever manage to actually improve their lives.

Who the hell let Morgan Freeman out of his hole after the sexual assault allegations?


Them being on the record saying that seems like it gives the Governor and the AG all the cover they need to say ‘we’ll wait to certify a winner until you fully count the votes then’ right?

Look I don’t actually care if Trump declares himself the winner and starts acting as if while we’re counting the votes. This isn’t about a media narrative. What matters is who gives the Secret Service orders on inauguration day. I’m expecting every day of the lame duck period to be wall to wall insanity no matter what the outcome is. What matters is that we can get a semi accurate tally in PA and certify it for Joe Biden.

I’m also very thankful that more likely than not we win in multiple places on election night that aren’t compatible with Trump winning the election. We’re more likely to get an embarrassing waste of time lame duck where 1000+ people die every day than a crazy power struggle lame duck. At least the crazy power struggle lame duck almost always ends with Trump getting insane immediate consequences.

There’s also the Trump actually wins scenario of course. Hilariously it’s probably the least awful version of reality for the next 90 days because the Senate will probably suddenly be willing to do a real stimulus deal. Obviously it starts being way fucking worse on inauguration day and continues to be increasingly worse at an ever increasing rate after that.


Makes sense, thanks! Also to @j8i3h289dn3x7