Here you go, percentage of 2016 votes cast: (Texas is at 107 percent):


Blah, Muehlenberg (A+) dropped their last PA pole. Biden +5. PA is going to be close.


PA voting is a mess. My friend works the voter assistance hotline and everything is coming from PA

+5 in a swing state anytime before 2020 would be considered pretty comfortable.

Will be biting my nails.


We’re winning Arizona, Texas, Ohio. Blue wave coming. We should nuke Pennsylvania for shits and giggles on Wednesday.


Thanks, that’s a much more illuminating map.

lol Alabama and Mississippi, sitting at a cool 10% while Georgia sits at 90% of 2016 totals.

If the Dem trifecta comes to pass, they really need to put restoring voting rights as the #1 priority. The election patchwork in this country is absolutely insane, and needs wholesale reform.

Voting rights have somehow become more important than healthcare, climate, etc. All those other things flow from the right to vote, and we won’t have any lasting policy success with such a huge percentage of the population disenfranchised.


Yeah, plus decent backup options. I know we’re worried (for good reason) but we’re still looking great.

that’s a great sign. Georgia has been trending blue over the last decade, AL and MS are still Trump country

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107% of 2016 early votes or 2016 total votes?


Odd casus Texas tribune is giving other totals here

It says early voting (by the 29th) is at 53,1% while total turnout 2016 was 59,4%

Texas you old rascal you I never doubted you for a second.

Now don’t fuck it up.

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  1. The USPS is still dicking around. Nothing we can realistically do about it.

  2. There’s no clarity on when the ballot will end up having to arrive to ultimately count. Basically if it’s between 8p Tuesday and midnight Friday, it may or may not count.

  3. Mail-ins have to be in the double envelope or they don’t count.

  4. I’m not sure how many people have clarity that it’s too late to mail it.

  5. Seven red counties won’t count mail-in until 11/4.

  6. I anticipate rampant voter intimidation.


I think it’s about 50-50 as to whether +5 is a win. I feel good at +7.

Too much defeatism around here and on the internet generally regarding PA.

Trump will be up about 15 points on election night, conceded. But they will eventually count the votes and Trump will lose. I’ve yet to see any semblance of a legal argument for shutting down the initial count. And it’s not like it happens in just one place the proud boys can attack. Further, the PA governor can send guys with guns to disperse such nonsense.


Between what’s going on in PA, the many ballots in Miami-Dade that USPS won’t deliver, and the fact that George Kemp is the governor of Georgia, I’m getting nervous again.

I think the votes cast will be:

But I’m afraid votes counted may be:

And Arizona will take a week probably, there will be lawsuits, Trump barnstorming the states still counting.

Like at this point it feels like if we don’t win some of GA, NC, FL, TX, OH on election night, we will not be able to avoid a legal battle and violence.

I’m not sure whether to be scared as fuck over that or confident as fuck at the first map and knowing that 400+ electoral votes is in play and that turnout could even put us over the top in like KS, MT, AK.

I’m afraid I’m giving myself an ulcer, my stomach does not feel good.

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It’s totally great for Georgia turning blue in 2020. I live in Georgia; I would be thrilled. But for the future, the disenfranchisement in the other states is just awful.

Mississippi is the state with the largest % black population, and Alabama isn’t far behind. These people have essentially no political participation of any form. Each state has one gerrymandered-ass blue house district—that’s it. We need to wrest the chokehold of power away from the Republican Party in these sorts of states, and it’s going to take an across the board effort.



New ad starring Morgan Freeman premiered on Maddow.


The entire margin of victory is sitting in one place that has been publicized on the news. (The Philly mail-in vote.)

We have essentially isolated a sample that’s like Biden +400K or +500K and announced its location ahead of the election on the news with video and all. My guees is 600K votes, Biden +500K (550-50).

Sign of how fucked up this country is: Georgia’s disenfranchisement is not the WOAT anymore?

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Hey. This is America. Get out of here with “,”. It’s called a decimal point.

(Seriously how did this diverge?, drives me nuts every time I work with a spreadsheet that comes in with the other notation).