It’s just the first wave of illegals crossing the border to vote. Soon it will spread throughout the country.


dumb question, but why is early voting in Texas over?

Probably to count final early votes and prepare for Tuesday.

Trick question, none are Hunter Biden’s laptops.


You guys must be pretty excited if you’re seeing anywhere near that surge in your district. CA-50 right?

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The second laptop comes from an afterthought in an NBC News article that lays out how Rudy and company won’t give NBC access to any of the stuff they’re ripping them for not reporting on.

According to two people familiar with the matter, a different Hunter Biden laptop landed in the custody of the DEA in February when they executed a search warrant on the Massachusetts office of a psychiatrist accused of professional misconduct. The psychiatrist has not been charged with a crime.

Hunter Biden was not a target of the search or the investigation, and his lawyer ultimately got his laptop back. It’s not clear why his computer was left in the doctor’s office.

Total non story. GJGE Rudy and the Gang.

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State election in Australia today - right wing party that is going to lose is now attacking our postal service for not delivering postal votes to the elderly (their base). Where’d they get this strategy from?


Final model talk. Legit episode.


Lol no

Just never going to happen

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As a Canadian I like ragging on the US as much as the next hoser. But:

  1. We have separate Federal / Provincial / Municipal elections. The US combines them. So obviously there are going to be differences - just like there are differences between how provinces do their elections.

  2. A federal election is literally one choice. Your local representative. That’s why our ballots are simple.

  3. In Ontario we’ve just seen the drawback of centralized control. A municipality wanted to use ranked ballots for their next election and the Provincial government has now forbidden it (because if people get used to it - they’re fucked as a party).

3.5 What do you think this election would look like if Republicans from 2016 to 2018 got to set all the rules…

Now, I’d still take our system over the US one. It’s fucked. But it’s not even remotely comparable to a Canadian federal election.

The GOP will never do ANYTHING to protect the nation from Donald Trump. Ever. Anyone left in the party is by definition a complete scumbag. Even saying they’re spineless is letting them off too easily because at this point it’s obviously what they want.


Guys I’ve got bad news that I just heard from the man in the picture box. If Biden and Harris win, they are going to get rid of hospitals. They are going to destroy Medicare. They are going to give free healthcare to illegal aliens. Learn more at www.seniorsbeware.com


Like the laptop episode provides a glimpse directly into Rudy’s decaying brain.

It feels like a blessing rn that they put the entire disinformation and smear aspect of the election into the hands of a mouthfoaming true believer, who can’t patch together a more coherent narrative than even the craziest of grandpas.

Hilarious strategic blunder, if Tuesday goes how we all want.

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89M votes in. This exceeds what I would have guessed.


Maybe on track for 100M by election day?

If so, and if turnout is 160M, we’ll be at early vote being 63% of the total.


I really need to go collect all my laptops of scattered around the world.


I really wish they’d display this map as a % of 2016 votes cast, or at least per capita. Shading states ~by population doesn’t mean that much.


If you go to his site: 2020 General Election Early Vote Statistics
There is a tab that gives you votes as a % of 2016 turnout.

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