I enjoy that you draft in real time. Watching you at work is better than Netflix :popcorn:

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Lol… I’m really bad at email.

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Do you send eight addendums or actually get through a few private drafts first?

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Yeah the reason is that Sumter is all olds who generally vote absentee early, and especially so this year, so that vote total is going to be in real quick (and precounted because FL does that with absentees). So most of their vote will drop almost right away when polls close at 7. Per Wasserman Trump needs at least 67 percent of the Sumter county vote.


I look at it and think really hard for like 5 seconds to see if there’s anything I want to change about it… then I click send… and then five minutes later I send an addendum… and ten minutes after that another.

I’m actually the fucking worst.


“You know how we all grift each other for as much money as possible? Well doctors are doing the same thing with COVID. Don’t lie, you would look at all of that money to be made, too.”


This is also related to my favorite piece of info from The Devil’s Bargain.

There was a select set of districts in Florida that Bannon was tracking on 2016 Election Night, because he knew that those districts were going to be highly correlated with the Rust Belt states that were critical to Trump’s path. (Because those districts basically consisted of people who had retired from those Rust Belt states.) When those results started coming in, they effectively told him that PA/OH/MI/WI were far more likely to go Trump than what the polls had suggested.

So results coming out of Florida are going to be super important not only because Florida itself is important, but also because they’ll speak to results in the Rust Belt.


Can’t wait for Trump to rage quit Florida.



Meh, Emerson has had a pretty hard R tilt this year. Maybe they’ll end up being right, but I wouldn’t get too excited about them.

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Which counties?

you could be right. there will definitely a correction where we’ll probably win a death or a wealth tax, which will hopefully find its way into public services or safety net/universal income. but i think a large part of antitrust moneys will get funneled into green rebuild and/or cold war with china. similar to roaring twenties crash caused mechanical changes that turned into The New Deal and Military Industrial Complex, but down the road the mechanics evolved and wealth accumulation exploded.

snowballs happen, i.e. monopolies are pretty natural occurrences.

Does he take into account the Cuban vote in Miami-Dade County?

Trump has never won his state of residence

Let’s keep that streak going, Florida!


Sure and I think capitalism in some form or fashion is with us to stay as humans. It’s an interesting game and not a bad way to pass the time. The problem with it is that we’ve prioritized the game over absolutely everything else, as though there could be enough different brands of soda pop to make setting the world on fire worth it.

There needs to be a fairly large VAT tax which funds UBI. In other words a set % of the total economy needs to be redistributed on a per capita basis providing every human being a floor from which to figure it out. No longer will ‘finding yourself’ be the sole privilege of people whose parents are already big winners in capitalism. People will go to free college for long time periods to learn really niche specialties of things that are in significant demand. Even if because they are from a poor family and have some stuff to work through it takes 15 years instead of 12. A meritocracy where everyone has the opportunity to fail as many times as it takes to figure it out. As though rewarding the winners of the game was so important that it was OK to have homeless camps all over my city so that society could reallocate the mental healthcare budget to those winners of the game.

And yeah this next round we need to be really really aggro about taxing externalities heavily. Carbon should cost 200/ton right now ffs.


Texas is almost exclusively early-voting in person becuase they ddidn’t have no excuse absentee unless you are old. I don’t see any credible claims that the Texas votes aren’t going to be counted.

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Let’s hope that works on a faster timeline than Mediacare → M4A

He’s got access to all the District level polling so I assume so.

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