I’m a superstitious man, and if some unlucky outcome should happen on Tuesday - if Joe loses Michigan and Arizona, or be behind in Florida by 10+ points… or if he should lose NY or California - then I’m going to blame some of the people in this thread; and then I do not forgive.

But with said, I pledge - on the memes of my favorite posters - that I will not be the one to break the optimism that we have today.


The most selfish generation in history turned away from the Party of Individual Responsibility … the moment a global pandemic threatened them personally and they needed the help. Let’s give them all medals!


Every time Nate posts something like this I feel a bit better:




I’d bet Trump winning the villages by a bigger net margin than 4 years ago. Don’t get why people are so obsessed with them though it doesn’t matter.

Yeah it turned out I had more to say. It started small and grew like a tumor from there.

EDIT: It grew by a really excellent use of a Hunter S. Thompson quote since I originally made this post. My ninja editing habit is becoming a problem. Other people have actually noticed it now.


Trump on Nov. 4th: “We need to count every vote”


well that’s obvious, anti trumpers voted right away, young people tend to vote last minute so it’s hard to tell, R’s are fighting it hard so they at least think D’s favored with those late mail margins.

I’ll take it though. If Trump isn’t conceding because every vote needs to be counted we’ve switched back to the good timeline.

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They’re obsessed with them because its result will come in quickly and if Trump lost some margin, it could predict a blue Florida.

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Emotionally, i’m all in. I don’t like it. I’m afraid of what will happen if Biden loses. It’s like Trump is freerolling to rip away whatever shreds of hope I have left, and my ability to care about almost everything whatsoever.

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Because he crows so hard about them. I want to send him a cake saying thanks for delivering Florida :+1:


I can’t post the gif. Too horrific.

The golden days of South Park!


what will happen is a massive slice of passive income and wealth is going transfer from private accounts to private equity. even if there’s no market recession, those who need cash are going to lose on this in a matter of months and years. institutions are preparing by stockpiling cash.

tl;dr inequality is going to become worse next decade or so.

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that’s when republicans will steal it tho. suddenly buses and buses of boxes of fresh ballots will come pouring in, all republican. we need to STOP THE VOTE COUNTING. PLZ SUPREME CORT

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closing arguments:


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No way. He’s winning it, but not by the same margins. And people are obsessed with it because if his margin is small enough it’s a quick way for us to know if he’s losing the state. This is per Wasserman. He thinks that if Trump is winning the Sumter County vote by less than 63-36 when the first batch of results drop at 7 pm on 11/3, then Trump is a dead man walking both in the FLorida, and therefore in the election in general. This is because such an extreme percentage of Sumter’s total vote is cast in advance of Election Day.


Yeah this round of capitalism is pretty much over. One of the natural things that happens in capitalism, like other strategy games people play, is that the winners snowball and keep winning bigger and bigger… until you get to the point we were at when the last round ended with like 50 companies controlling the entire economy.

If the trust era with it’s massive corporations that owned entire verticals and used their monopoly power to absorb most of the excess wealth of the nation sounds familiar it’s because we’ve come full circle.

Thing is they only own that stuff because society says they do. We can change it whenever we want.

I propose extremely strong anti snowball mechanics for the next round of capitalism. It should make the game more fun for everyone even the expert players, who honestly it’s starting to get a little bit boring for.


I did not know this about the Sumter county take! Hot damn that will be interesting to see early.