However, a 10-day—or longer—forecast is only right about half the time.


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Even Murray Goldberg was willing to drive from Jenkintown to Gino’s in Philly for cheesesteaks, and that’s about an hour with traffic.


Please, I”ve spent a lot of time in Florida. They have a hard time forecasting 7-10 hours in advance, let alone days.


I never even graduated HS (pants-on-fire factcheck: sorta true-ish) so allow me to do a only-black-guys-can-say-the-n-word for you all: fuck these stupid uneducated pieces of shit.


Yeah pretty clear the supreme court is signaling they will steal it 100% if given the chance, just completely blatant. Thankfully it shouldn’t be that close.

Is the only reason they decided not to strike it down immediately because they saw the most recent reports that the majority of dem mail in ballots have been returned and Republicans haven’t? Like if a huge amount of dem ballots hadn’t been returned yet or most Republican ones had they snap strike it down right? These motherfuckers.

If dems landslide and don’t pack the court I’m done supporting the washington generals and will support whatever republican campaigns on jailing Edems. You got a supreme court straight up saying if PA is the deciding state and trumps ahead we are going to reject any ballots after election day. Just giving him a freeroll

honestly super, super smart of the PA attorney general. They were probably hoping the ballots would all be mixed so they could just toss them all.

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Why are they issuing statements? Pretty weird all the way around on this one.

Like, if we want to talk about white privilege cum supremacy it’s not, oh noez the taxicab won’t pull over or some inane bullshit, it’s this. Dumbass white people are allowed to show their whole ass and elect some dumbass orange fuck and everybody is just supposed to take that shit seriously.

I dare you to deny that in any sane world after the 2016 election results poured in everybody would’ve laughed and then said, wait, lol you’re serious… Ok, yeah, no, that’s not happening, we’re either doing a do over or just cancelling your voting rights straight up, you white people are out here running absolutely fucking wild.

Just imagine if like in some broad sweeping reparations package Black Americans were given the opportunity to pick the president for a cycle and the black delegation went with Farrakhan or some random black-Hebrew-israelite. Or, not even one of those types with dogshit politics but, say, a fun rapper. Lil Yachty is now the 45th president of these United States. Think that would stand and everybody would smile and say, good job, blacks!? Fuck no. But every black pair of eyeballs has had to watch the reverse, like, oh, so you guys went with the fake businessman who hosted the game show and has the weird hair? Interesting choice, whites! Way to think outside the box!

And there’ll be no repercussions. Even with a Joemala landslide there’s still gonna be tens of millons of opposing votes cast. Everybody is supposed to go, hey remember when the whites elected the orange cube of gelatinous fat and it killed a bunch of people in a pandemic, that was wacky, right? Those gosh darn whites and their hijinks! Ah well, on to the next election.

I mean, pardon me for not being as eloquent as a James Baldwin but this is part of the true emotional heft and psychic toll of being second-class citizenry. Dumbass white people literally shit on the levers of power and everybody just wipes them off and hands them back.


We love the poorly educated!

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Holy sheet I forgot about that one…


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So Joe’s gonna play Among Us?


clearly they’ve given up on PA

am I doing this maga thought process right?


Alright is someone gonna tell me what the difference between the 3 days to receive ballots post election in PA/NC and the one in WI where they ruled against? AFAIK all three extensions were from their courts, obviously not their legislatures.

Was WI the only one that had a specific law saying mail in ballots had to be there by election day to be counted?

Decent article:

A couple of takeaways:

  1. The race isn’t tightening;
  2. State and national polls are good for Biden;
  3. Prior to the debate and after TrumpCOVID, the national polls and the state polls had a decent split, with state polls having Biden up around 8-9 and national polls having him up around 10-11. Now the polls are converging more. Biden’s national polling average as gone down, but his state polling average has gone up. Convergence seems to be around Biden up in the 9-10 range. That’s a fucking phenomenal place to be in the state and national polling 6 days out.
  4. The regions where Biden is improving are the Midwest, and the West (including especially Arizona). The Northeast and South in the aggregate are stable, although in the South there has been a lot of weird individual state movement (Trump gaining in FL Trump losing in Georgia). Nate thinks this is just because we have a lot of shitty polls of the South and not a lot of good ones.
  5. Pennsylvania: We haven’t had any live caller polls since the debate, so the flood of crap polls should be taken with a grain of salt. We should be getting some live caller polls of PA in the next few days.

WI was a federal court initially forcing Wisconsin to accept the ballots late. PA/NC were state rules/state courts doing so.

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Man this fucking country. Think about it. In most places you can vote early. And yet Trump/Biden are expected to campaign non stop until Election Day because there’s a subset of the population that can’t make up their mind 24 hours prior to the polls closing.

These are the people that block the pasta aisle because they can’t figure out if they want Rigatoni or Ziti.


Nate’s take, which I mostly agree with, is that the Court is clearly indicating they will throw a close election to Trump, but are not going to stage a judicial coup if he’s obviously lost.


Iowa is worth going after. Obama won it twice. There’s a very winnable senate race.