Biden himself is obviously very realistic about Trump and what he’s capable of. His recent New Yorker interview was very encouraging on this point.

Sure they won’t be prepared but I’m sure they’ll just blitz the courts with any stupid thing they can trying to delay and cause uncertainty and the media hasn’t always been great at covering crimes committed by the admin

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Terrible thing to say publicly.

The average Republican thinks Democrats are trying to steal the election just as much as the average Democrat thinks Republicans are trying to steal it.

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One of these things is objectively true. One of them is objectively false.

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Grunching here, but you are making a mistake in your analysis in thinking that it would be just the Trump admin in on it. Numerous other Republican elected officials At nearly every level in government are in near the same boat as Trump As far as their re-election prospects ar concerned. Most if not all of them do not need suppression efforts to be coordinated by Trump. So the suppression is going to come from a bunch of independent actors who all have the same interest. That makes it much easier/more likely to effectively pull off, imo.

Definitely. There are lots of things like this where someone scoffs at the massive coordination needed for a conspiracy to happen, when really there are lots of actions, sometimes requiring small coordinated groups, but largely an effect of a large number of actors with similar interests and not requiring central planning.

In this case it could even be Trumpy local PO managers taking initiative.


That’s so twentieth century.

I want to second this. I like simplicticus more than most of you Seem to, so take what I say with a grain of salt here. I don’t think he’s been as wrong on as many things as some of y’all are representing. He places probably too much faith in the legal system and processes, sure, but often times his defense of the system is much more nuanced than what some of y’all seem to think the takeaway is. He’s a lawyer, so that’s to be expected, imo, but maybe the only reason I think that is because I’m a lawyer, too and I work in a heavily process-oriented part of the law that requires much coordination through federal and state agencies as well as politicians. Regardless, I think the people that want to come in and make claims like “you’ve been wrong about everything for the last four years,” then they should back it up with some specific examples. Absent that, the posts do nothing other than sow useless anger and distrust, so I think such posts should not be made.

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I think all things considered, it’s probably a toss-up who wins right now. No COVID uptick in the fall cuts both ways – easier to vote in person but Trump will look better.

Economy keeps going strong, seems like it will also be hard to take him down.


I agree and by coincidence texted a pal earlier today with the same thing.

The problem though is that if it’s very close Trump will do all he can to stay in power if senior Rs back him, which gives him an edge imo.

And also that Biden may already have peaked.

Come see how this post ages around October 12, maybe even October 1.

I probably should have been clear I think it’s a toss-up including Trump shenanigans. I think Biden is probably 75% to win an honest election as of right now.

Oh I see. I think Trump’s bottomless depravity makes him a slight favourite, given the amount of time left for dirty tricks and that he’s probably already lost most of the support from the covid fiasco that he can lose, and that more positive outcomes are a huge upside for him.

There are no possible positive outcomes left in the deck. We’re drawing dead between now and election day.


I was talking from Trump’s perspective.

So was I. I should have been clearer. There’s nothing that can happen between now and election day but an absolutely incredible amount of suffering among the peasants. Then they get to vote.

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Oh. So you think Biden will be the favourite in a fair election?

Trump won’t be prepared or involved in the preparation, but they’re already suing Pennsylvania over mail-in ballot issues. They’re preparing.

So what?

There is no way there is a fall downturn. OFS will ensure that. Now the detected cases may be lower due to shenanigans but the hospitalization and death rates will tell the story.