ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

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Like it’s a little weird that 2 months ago he is caught racing his 17 year old son going 111mph with weed, pills and a gun in his car plus his 11 year old daughter. Somehow he was let out after being caught doing that and then a month ago he was caught in a protest with a loaded gun, then interfered with a police investigation and was resisting arrest, of course they cited him and released him and then all charges were dropped with “no complaint”

Protestors are being charged with felonies for spray painting and damaging property but this guy is somehow really lucky with 2 more serious arrests


I wouldn’t be surprised either way. There are certainly people just looking for trouble/action/cosplaying on both sides. Yes, I said “both sides”. Still, crazy or cosplaying anti-fascist person at least chose to side with the oppressed.

The shootings in Portland and Kenosha are the kinds of things that are just going to happen when people clash and they have weapons, and more people on the left have guns than the liberals think.

That’s all why I’m more interested in the killing by the US Marshals. I don’t think we’re going to get any bodycams on that one.

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Good job catching this @anon38180840

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As eager as I am to latch onto a conspiracy theory here, and there is some weird shit, the fact that there were cops from like 5 different departments on scene makes it less likely IMO.

If it comes out that there were a bunch of local cops, but they agree it was the US Marshalls who did the shooting, that would cause my suspicion to tick back up.

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I said this in another thread. In this case, of course the tracking down of a fugitive was a conspiracy - a legal one. The shooting first and asking questions later was the unquestioned assumption by the majority of cops involved that Antifa is trying to destroy America, this was a very bad bad and dangerous person, and he had murdered a true Patriot who was deeply in love with them.

And more cops always makes a shooting more likely. The worst cops always feel free to shoot first and ask questions later and all the other cops immediately put any reservations aside and back-up one of their people when they are acting against a suspect, perp, civilian or anything that’s not a cop. And shooting is contagious.

more eta: And, 100% some cops were at least talking about not taking him alive.

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I agree with your view on conspiracies generally, but the specific version being floated here of “this guy was a plant by the feds, they got him to go on TV and say crazy shit with the intention of murdering him right away” requires more than just a bunch of individual actors acting on their own motivations that all coincidentally align with murdering antifa members. There would need to be at least one person there who was in on the plan and would ensure that shots would be fired, otherwise the whole plot doesn’t make sense.

OTOH I guess you’re making me rethink the idea that multiple departments being involved makes the conspiracy less likely, as you’re of course right that every other cop there would defend the shooter and wouldn’t miss a chance to fire off a few rounds themselves.

My conspiracy theory was more that they got this unstable guy to become an informant and he’s clearly unstable according to the June 8th racing incident. Then when he gets in a fight with cops a month ago and drops a gun that he has no license for they just cite him and charges are dropped later. The then unstable guy kills someone (not part of the conspiracy, just him acting on his own accord) and when you have a bunch of guys searching for someone armed who just murdered a patriot it’s not too hard for a cop to “see” a gun or anything and kill him. Don’t really need too many people involved in this except the guy and the few cops that might’ve been working him.

It’s just hard to believe this guy got 2 slaps on the wrist for some serious offenses (I was arrested for speeding 35 over once and had no drugs, guns, or kids in the car and wasn’t racing lol) as an antifa protestor during this time in Portland

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Oops, I missed that. That does seem wild.

This seems plausible

thanks captain obvious


Jails in many places are overcrowded and the courts have ordered them to resolve this. The judge in my family has said that they aren’t even putting people in jail for stealing cars.

He’s a white dude with a gun. They may well have thought his ideology was different. I’m a 52 year old white dude who drives around in an old F150 with a couple of ladders hanging off of it. I’m positive cops see me as a conservative, blue collar, law and order kinda guy.

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A white dude with a huge black fist tattoo on his neck with a gun makes it a little different. Of course it’s definitely possible/likely the cops were incompetent and this guy slipped through the cracks somehow

Also it wasn’t a cop car in NY but one made to look like it


Feels like a meaningless distinction when the police were clearly coordinating with him to chauffeur those MAGA people.


A pro nypd activist. Why is he not committed to a mental hospital?


No idea where to put this but I have been watching the Kentucky Oaks on NBCSports and there have been several segments about police brutality and Breonna Taylor. The reason why? The ongoing Louisville protests. Very good to see imo.


Yeah, my Trumpy cousins have the weirdest FB feed. rah rah trump posts punctuated with “arrest the cops who murdered Breonna Taylor” posts. They lived in Louisville until last month. It’s the worst case of cognitive dissonance I’ve seen in a while.

I’ve given up trying to explain the contradictions to them and write it off as one less thing they are deplorable about, so I guess it’s a step in the right direction?

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lol come the fuck on