Minnesota? Lol wut?

Sweat MN, not PA, WI, MI? Sort by # white people? Taking pony out back for shooting.

That only makes me feel slightly better. How’s that stop the state legislature from saying they should base it on the midnight count because of fraud? Again this all comes down to five people’s interpretation if they try it.

I’ve been telling everyone this is a possibility. Like I think we win them all in votes cast, but I do think MN could be closer than the others.

Florida is not looking good. Fucking olds.


Dems could absolutely lose MN. But Biden ain’t losing MN while winning MI, PA, and WI.

I think that’s a product of the methodology used. Probably not many recent high quality polls of MN.

More like Pozzing, Michigan.


Lol of course Florida isn’t looking good. Florida is Lucy with a football.


It doesn’t appear to be olds. It’s Hispanics. Cuban-Americans especially. I think Biden is going to win olds in FL (I mean I guess we’ll never really know for sure because exit polling is going to be useless), and then lose becuase Trump gained amongst Hispanics and AAs.


Yup it’s going to be Hispanic men and to a much lesser degree, black men.

Well, to be clear, it’s gonna be fucking white guys. But, yeah.


Right but you know what I mean. White guys are old news.

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…if there is one.

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That’s just not how state law says counting the votes works. You might as well be like “but what if the Supreme Court decides that black people and women don’t have the vote?”. There is no limit to the hypotheticals you can come up with if you assume that the Supreme Court can just decide anything they like regardless of what the law plainly says. I mean yeah lol lawbros and all but look at this from Kavanaugh’s perspective, he has a plum job for the next 500 years ruling as a Futurama style head in a jar, enacting conservative policy over the bench. Pretty sure declaring the rule of law over in the United States so he can get Trump in the White House for another 4 years isn’t on the agenda.

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The comments on this are hilarious. No one knows what it fucking means.

(I sure don’t)



I’m not even going that route. What if the state legislature thinks there was voter fraud? Like I guess my point here is that Trump is a lock to try it, state legislatures can be deplorable as fuck so there’s a legit chance they try, and then we’re off to the races.

Florida is the football. Lucy is the Republican Party, and Charlie is everyone who hopes for a fair election in Florida.

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