They also have an extremely important senate race.

This would be in violation of federal law, as 3 U.S.C. § 1 provides that:

The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President.

This doesn’t mean the electors have to be named that day. It means the process by which electors are selected, under state law, has to begin on that day. It’s contrary to this law to attempt to use some process other than that provided by state law (i.e. popular election) after this day.

What Kavanaugh’s opinion is doing is reserving for the Supreme Court the right to intervene to interpret state law on counting ballots in the case of some dispute about what the law says. This was exactly what the court did in Bush v Gore, overruling the Florida Supreme Court’s decisions about what state law meant. When he talks about the authority of the legislature, he’s talking about existing state law, not about future acts of the legislature. And it is, obviously, a bit worrying that Kavanaugh is advertising that he will be enthusiastic about poking SCOTUS’s nose into state election law cases, but I think we all knew they were going to do that. In close states it’s going to be Florida all over again. But the vote is going to have to be close.

But the political capital they have acquired is derived almost exclusively from the armies of Democrats who love what they’re doing.

If they all of a sudden come out against every Dem policy, who’s going to retweet, promote, amplify them? The folks who were bounced from office due to LP’s influence? Perhaps, but I think they lose a lot of influence once they pivot from attacking horrible R’s.

Yeah, they’re probably trying to stake out the “voice of the reasonable R” territory, but they’d do that regardless of what the D’s passed once in power.

Of course he is, it’s the first day of the new hunting season and there are no limits this year on uppity lefties.

I get that but it’s not like you can identify a Biden supporter looking at them. And if Biden wins, his supporters won’t be out protesting.


They’ll just target blacks, close enough.

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My daughter turned 14 today, which made me realize that she will be able to vote in the next presidential election. I’m old.


Cool cool everyone tell me again how I should chill about the courts.

This is something I was thinking about doing on my own - going down into Columbus Ohio with food and drink to distribute to people waiting in voting lines on Election Day. But is there any reason not donate here, which presumably does it more efficiently/effectively?

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The handful I’ve heard on, like, Pandora were all, literally “Biden wants to cut your medicare and SS and give it to brown people.”


Don’t care if I’m ponied this deserves multiple Vince memes.


Are you a lawyer though? That seems to be making a leap from that text to what you said, if not.

Yeah I’m going to watch social media and monitor the situation locally and be prepared to N95 up and get pizza and bottled water and get it to voters.

Yeah, this. For better or worse, they’re a subset of the Democratic Party now. We’re a big tent.

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Only give it to people wearing masks, that way you’ll know you’re helping Biden supporters.








lol, I mean this didn’t seem to bother you when you were posting your own wild theories, I’m not a lawyer but these guys are:

A State Legislature Usurping the Popular Vote Would Violate Federal Law

The United States’ long history of selecting presidential electors through a popular vote has established an important and fundamental democratic norm of citizens participating in choosing the president. Once a state has held an election, a state legislature’s post-Election Day appointment of its own preferred slate of electors not only would contravene this fundamental democratic norm; it would also violate federal law requiring that all states must appoint their electors on Election Day, i.e., the “Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President.” 3 U.S.C. § 1.

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Also notice they have MN more in play than PA/MI/WI.