All Trump ads I have seen are either lies about his accomplishments or lies about Biden. Not hyperbole.


Got hit with a YouTube ad that honestly seemed highly persuasive for Trump.

Was a “personal story” from a black man who was supposedly sentenced to life for a non-violent crime under “Biden’s 1994 Crime Bill” and released under “Trump’s criminal justice reform.”

Don’t know if YouTube thinks I might be black or is just hitting everyone with that ad.

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It will be interesting to see what kind of anti-Kamala ads they come up with for 2024!


I’m friends with someone whose FIL is a commander for the MA State Police. He claims his FIL had been shitting bricks about election day.

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I’ve heard many blurbs here and there indicating that Trump supporters are in no way prepared to accept a Trump loss and they’re armed to the teeth so yeah I’d love to be out of the country all next week.


All of the trump ads I see (Philly market) are just blatant lies about Biden or lies about how good Trump is. Lots of scarily images and the words “RADICAL” and “SOCIALIST” are commonly slapped on the screen in all caps. Biden is going to raise your taxes, destroy America, and destroy suburbs.

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Not sure what all these Proud Boys are gonna do once they realize they can’t identify Biden supporters. I suppose they can storm government offices but then what? Drive into cities with guns ISIS style?



IA is unlikely to matter that much electoral college wise, but to me if sleepy is winning there he’s winning because it indicates enough white folks have come to their senses, at least this year


Just show her dancing with the umbrella.

I honestly don’t think that’ll happen. At least not in the general, primary is possible I suppose.



You know, I think that might be why Joe picked her. He saw her 2020 primary campaign and was all, hey Jack, this gal reminds me of a young Joe Biden in either the 1988 or 2008 campaigns, take your pick.

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Like I said… I’m used to the rambling nonsense ads AllTheCheese described.

These are another category of Fucking Hell. Wouldn’t be surprised if they were made by the same folks as those behind the Lincoln Project.

Forget 2024. If the Axios article scenario plays out, they are going to have a full podcast, tv and book publishing operation, plus a big twitter presence starting day 1 of a possible Biden presidency… If Trump is out of office, where do you think they come down on court packing, or big stimulus spending funded by tax increases on the wealthy, or healthcare expansion?

I know we’re in an enemy of my enemy situation rn, but I’m a little nervous about how much political capital they might acquire in a close race where they could be seen as delivering the swing vote to Biden.

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This is one of those perfect memes because either side can use it to support their position.

(Or am I crazy and it’s only mocking those who thought the Dems were criminal masterminds?)

There will definitely be some of this. They know the cops won’t shoot them if they’re white and wearing Confederate flag patches.

Listen you senile old man, what’s your bank roll?

Is there a reason there are no good polls out of Florida? Good defined as “by an A pollster.”

They did but trump won them all so they aren’t releasing them obviously. hurp durp

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