I’m not sticking my head in the sand and ignoring all the apparatus they are putting in place to steal this.

Didn’t Gorsuch sign on to Kavanaugh’s writing on this case?

That’s crazy the same thing happened in NJ in a very blue area a week or two ago. WHAT A COINCIDENCE!

how about we just chill on the doom screeds until after 11/3? christ a lot of bull in this thread this morning, can’t imagine what this thread would be like if biden was polling poorly.


The Constitution says the legislature has the sole authority. They don’t have to pass a law and get it signed by the governor, they just have to pass something through the legislature.

At least that’s what it looks like to me.

I don’t think Kav wrote the main opinion and the uproar is about a concurrence but I could be wrong about that.

My apartment building just sent around an ominous memo

In preparation for potential protest activity concerning the upcoming elections on November 3rd, we are taking several proactive measures to maintain the safety and security of the Building and its Residents, including:
 Ensuring that all Building Staff remain vigilant and on high alert with regard to the security of the Building
 Reminding the Staff that although it is already normal practice, not to let any visitors into the Building without strict authorization from a Resident
 On November 3rd, locking and securing all points of entry including the front doors during evening and overnight hours (and other times, if necessary)
o The front doors will be locked and secured from 8:00 pm through 5:00 am the following morning
o Please note that Building Staff will be positioned at the front door to allow access to and from the Building during these hours
 Having an additional Staff Member on duty in the lobby during the evening and overnight hours on November 3rd (and other times, as necessary).

Right I saw somewhere that Gorsuch signed the concurrence, but I could be wrong.

You’re in NYC right?


It seems unlikely a building would draw this conclusion on its own. Will we see news in the next few days of NYPD and other police departments sending out warnings about likely unrest?

so like a SC judge literally writes that he will rule to stop counting votes that arrive after Nov 3rd regardless of state election laws and he probably has the majority to do so and people here are like ‘don’t be negative’?


The funniest thing about this thread, to me, is that while emotionally I’m very nearly at the same place as cuse, I also realize that this fear is shared by a huge % of the population of the US… and people are voting at a crazy pace. What we have to hope is that it just keeps going like this for the next week straight. If it does we’ll win and it won’t be close.


Maybe it is just getting it out of the system so they can function in the real world.

The good news is we will either win the election or be at a point where we are an undeniable failed democracy. Both are preferable to the slow boil of the last 30-40 years.


i bet all the anti-doom guys are like Lakers fans or something.




Why not both?



I’m sure the interpretation right wing folks have is that Biden’s internal polls have shown that he’s actually hopelessly behind in PA and FL and he needs last-ditch creative paths to victory like GA and IA.

I considered doing the character I did in 2012 where I unskewed the polls for Romney in real time in this thread but I doubt folks would have the same sense of humor about it in 2020. Might have been fun though.

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