Dude thinks he’s untouchable, he mainlines 6 hrs of fox News a day. He thinks he’s going to win!

There’s a line, but that ain’t it. The line is something like nuking San Francisco because the mayor said mean things. And even that might not be the line.

Y’all just lost all of your confidence in what, 4 hours? Honestly have no idea why. Weak shit dudes


yikes I shouldn’t have watched that before bed


LMFAO bless your heart


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there was a +3 Trump PA poll from a B-? I missed that one.

I’ll be voting on election day. Early voting is at a different polling place for me and its in the city. The one i normally vote at is in the sticks has never had more then five people in line so id guess it will be just as fast or faster.


There is no global universal truth. There are multiple overlapping narratives that contain localized truths. In some of those narrative bubbles, the truth is that Trump is a great leader. Enough people live in those bubble to make the election outcome uncertain.


I woke up more confident than ever in a Biden win. Trump is chaos, capital doesn’t want chaos and capital will win. It’s dark but I woke up at 4am and fuck you.



We’re at 65M votes, probably 70M by tomorrow. Wed-Fri should take it to 85ish. Maybe 95M by end of Monday, with 55-60M on election day. So probably 60% of votes will be early votes.

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It seems like these posts were taken as unambiguously good news for Dems initially, but now they don’t really seem to imply anything all that useful (or assuring). I mean, I guess a lot of people are voting?

Yeah…but in fairness a lot has changed since then. I won’t pick through all that, but Williamson went +3 for Beto and even paleoconservative Tarrant was +.7.


Well, the polls are the polls, and 40% of the vote has been locked-in in a Trump -8 environment. Assuming the next few days are similar, he’s drawing to a +16 flip to even the popular vote. Basically, the only way he wins is a massive systematic polling error that radically underestimates his vote, which seems unlikely as the 2016 election of the idea of Trump (instead of the reality) vs Hillary was maximally calculated to drive out his voters.

anecdotal evidence below

Went back to visit my parents last week in the suburbs of southwest Fort Worth (Tarrant County). In what is traditionally Republican country i saw 3 Biden signs including the boomer neighbors who had never put up a political sign before this year, and 0 Trump signs. Fort Worth is one of the fastest growing cities in the country, a lot of people moving in from California. The increase in Tarrant is not necessarily a bad thing.


Agree with you except for this. There’s something out there even if the narratives don’t agree on what it is.

This is nothing like 2016.

All of us—Republicans and Democrats, journalists and party operatives, political junkies and casual observers—are held hostage by memories of four Novembers ago. We remember how the polls insisted Donald Trump would lose. We remember how GOP officials left Trump for dead and planned a rebranding effort after his defeat. We remember watching the returns come in, wondering what we’d missed and how we’d gotten it so wrong.

The good news for Trump supporters is that his position today is similar enough to the one he was in four years ago: trailing badly in the polls, largely left for dead, needing some sort of electoral miracle to win the election. They saw him defy the odds once; because of that, they believe he will do it again.

The bad news for Trump supporters: 2020 is nothing like 2016.

With that in mind, here are 16 reasons why the 2020 election is nothing like 2016:


Disappointing - I was expecting something more dramatic like taking suicide pills.

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Yeah, those 16 items are great, but let me add one:

  1. Trump and the Republicans have the power of the federal (and oftentimes state and local) law enforcement officials at their disposal, as well as the courts, which they have packed like gangbusters over the last 4 years.
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This is pretty much my entire thesis for a landslide. Yes there are lots of shitty rich people who would be fine with watching the world burn so that they can net 2% more… but there are also quite a few who value stability over that extra 2%.

The current situation is not even a little bit stable. If the current system has decided that you should have a billion dollars you have a pretty good reason to want to see it remain healthy. Obviously there’s a pretty decent sized ‘burn it to the ground’ contingent on this board, and those same billionaires will always see you as the enemy because they have the absolute most to lose when the burning starts.

Trump is 100% on team burn it down. He’s so dedicated to burning it all down that his first act in life was to burn down a probably multibillion dollar fortune. Four years into Trump and this country is already starting to crack. Even people who agree broadly with his desire to tear down the federal government, if they aren’t members of the cult (and the wealthy are nothing if not college educated), are watching this in horror… mostly because it’s spectacularly not working.

It’s important to know that Trump has always desperately desired to be liked and respected by the true upper crust… and they’ve never accepted him. Obviously in 2020 it’s pretty obvious why they never accepted him, it’s because he’s intolerable to be around and everything he touches dies… and what is the point of having all that money if you can’t avoid the likes of Trump?

Mark my words, the people who were onboard for 2016 thought they could use Trump to achieve their ends, and now they desperately regret it. Obviously the best example of this is Adelson, whose casinos are hilariously getting absolutely crushed by COVID. Good job putting someone you knew was a dangerous moron in charge of the country you jabba the hutt looking fat fuck. I hope you catch the slowest burning long hauler case of COVID ever and finally die of it two or three miserable years from now.