“Ah, what do we have here? Looks like one vote for Fuhrer Trump!”



Lol yes I voted for Imam. In the primary and in the general ldo. I mean she’s got signs up everywhere with Yang’s face on them endorsing her… how could I not?

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If they expand the court they better not do just 4

Add 10 judges. Oh that’s not fair tucker?

Fuck you


My friend just sent me a video of a 1.5 block long line of people waiting outside in the rain to vote early…

On the streets of Philadelphia!

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Packing the court, especially with more than 2 justices, just sets up an arms race the next time the GOP has a trifecta. Adding states helps prevent that trifecta.


The single most important thing for the Democrats to do with any victory in this election is to unrig the political system. A lot of you have replied to me (over and over again) telling me that you’ve been hearing ‘the demographics are in our favor’ for 10+ years. You’re not wrong. The reason why they were still viable in 2016 was cheating. The only reason why we’re sweating this election is cheating. Job #1 is preventing the GOP from cheating going forward.

There are a lot of reasons why this nation has been cursed with President Donald J Trump. But the biggest reason, by far, is that they’ve been cheating and getting away with it longer than I’ve been alive.


Automatic national voter registration and Election Day as a national holiday, plus a new voting rights act, probably forecloses the GOP from ever having a trifecta again without radical changes to the party.

I would also, at a minimum, add states and pack the court, but the above should happen immediately if the Democrats sweep.


I would go quite a bit further well into ‘rigged in our favor’ territory tbh. If the GOP wants to continue to exist in the new environment they can do like the Democrats did after 1984 and do a complete teardown/rebuild.

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I’ve been memed!



It’s expanding the court obv because legit everything else will be struck down as unconstitutional. Especially DC

The right answer is obviously all of the above ASAP.

Just slam the CARES act through day 1. This is the excuse you use to blow up the filibuster. Then immediately get with the court packing and start writing up an ‘election security’ bill that includes huge voting rights stuff. We should be writing that bill now. Everything should be ready from day 1. Schumer should already be whipping votes. Biden should be talking to any holdouts doing his charm thing. If that doesn’t work we strip everything we can take from the holdouts and refuse to offer them any party resources… and we get AOC on the ground in their district with their new primary challenger.

This is what the GOP would do in our shoes, and for once it’s time to not be ‘better’.


adding states is not immediate, they will need to hold elections etc. hopefully senators are elected/seated in 22/24.

i think procedurally, tying SCOTUS seats to number of circuits is reasonable which immediately raises number to 13. and would make it that the next moscow mitch needs to rig more of judiciary to add justices.

but i hope joe’s eventual plan (180 day study group is what he said in 60 minutes) will likely setup appeals judges rotation as well, perhaps term limits, some sort of enforceable recusal policy. the unanimous scotus agreement to a new candidate is interesting, but i fear thomas/alito is going to torpedo every non-federalist society judge.

We should all sincerely hope that the Democrats are straight no chaser 100% lying about their court reform plan. They need to do that right away and be really merciless about it.

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i was told that her signs are being stolen/vandalized. any truth to it?

i supported her before yang, warren, and sanders! bunch of wagon jumpers!!!

Yep, this. :100:

Not that I’ve seen… but stealing signs seems to be a pretty popular activity on both sides. Try and tell me stealing Trump signs doesn’t sound like fun?


One of the lessons of the Robert Caro books on LBJ is that when you have power you have to use it obviously, but also that when you don’t quite have the numbers you have to just bully people without a second best option into doing what you need them to do. I’m very scared that Joe Biden does not understand this.


Iowa? Ugh, this just feels like fancy play syndrome.

LBJ was very effective at political arm twisting. One of my uncles was an FBI agent back then and he was good friends with some secret service people… and they had stories about him for days. Stuff like finding out other people’s weaknesses and straight up blackmailing them. He was willing to do what it took to win. Which makes sense, he was a Southern Democrat. The Dixiecrats never failed for lacking a killer instinct.