And one of them Biden -1. image

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never tried it myself. yet to see any trmp signs around me, but nextdoorbhad a complaint about one house having two signs stolen. i assume it was for trmp.

best story from 2016 was one house put a bunch of trmp/maga/lock’her-up bumper stickers on their garbage cans. at the time i thought it was the right placement for them.

Rasmussen, right?

Yeah… I’m way too old for that shit, but teenage me would have stolen hundreds of signs… and then forgotten to vote.


Hi, I’m a time traveler from 2024. None of this happened. The dems passed a big heroes act style stimulus as a good government attempt to save the country. They compromised on some of it’s most ambitious elements to get bipartisan support with amendments from Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema, and then zero republicans voted for it in either chamber. The republicans fought it kicking and screaming, called it socialism, and won the senate and house in a bloodbath in 2022. Secretary of State Mitt Romney is running for election in 2024.


Everything else flows from that.

I share everyone’s fear and cynicism but this time really does feel different. Trump is so uniquely awful, and Mitch’s actions so extreme, they’re all but forced to actually fucking do something this time, if given the chance. If they do sweep and blow it, at least we can shut down UP and reclaim that time for other pursuits, because things will truly be hopeless forever.



You guys can hate on PA, but don’t you dare DONT YOU FUCKING DARE hate on Philadelphia.

Philly getting out the vote:

Philly waiting in lines to vote:

From the other angle that went viral:

At another location in North Philly where (mostly black) people are waiting in long lines to vote:

Oh and shout to Brooklyn too:


This thread has some good details about how mail in votes will be counted in Philadelphia


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In a stunning precedent, the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling—aided in part by newly-appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett—affirms Alabama’s lower court ruling to uphold the election commission’s decision to count votes for “Hitler” as votes for “Trump.”

Writing for the majority opinion, Justice Barrett states, “The Supreme Court cannot be held responsible for whether President Trump’s supporters most closely associate him with Hitler. This ruling is merely an observation of fact.”


lol unconstitutional. While we’re at it, so is Hawaii

Aside from that, last I heard Puerto rico is a flip on whether they even want statehood, and they just elected a Republican Gov. So they don’t really seem like a slam dunk.

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Looks like they can only count about 12,000 votes per hour starting at 7am. So they’ll be able to count 156K before polls close and 204K by midnight EST.

They got about 675K votes in 2016 in Philadelphia, so that’s not terrible. Like the gap at 8pm when polls close might not be as bad as we think.

But on the other hand my big fear is that a right wing militia just burns down the convention center and hands the entire state to Trump.


But if the senate adds 10 more seats next time, good

Now we have 29 judges and one judge dying doesn’t fuck the country for half a century.

Im ok with adding 20 judges and letting the republicans pick 5

Tit for tat increasing the Supreme Court can only be good. Put 500 justices up there, why not

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Counterpoint: Nancy Pelosi says that a sane Republican party is critically important for this country to have.

Hey, we all know the wife beater stops when you plead with them.

I find this incredible. I can’t remember ever waiting more than 5 minutes to vote, 10 minutes tops. Let alone standing in line outside.