As always, the secret to being a serious business pundit is to pretend to be completely stupid. Why would DC socialite Nancy endorse her long-time friends the Kennedys? Dunno Nate, real puzzler there.
One of the many stark ironies in American politics is that their founding mythology is that America was created to throw off the shackles of oppressive monarchy and elevate the liberty of individual citizens, but the best idea our current political ruling class can come up with is maybe we should let Kennedys and Bushes and Clintons wage a multigenerational Game of Thrones to control the US government.
The kicker of course is that we only got Obama because he kicked over the “its Hillarys turn, she’s paid her dues” eDem table. AOC too. Heck, even Bill Clinton’s win was only possible because no one in the Dem establishment queue wanted to run against Bush the Elder.