Another very culty post.


Five months away from a potential inauguration and they’re already telling us they’re not actually going to be able (willing) to do anything.


The centrism is the principles

A much more believable narrative is that Pelosi is still salty about AOC unseating her chosen successor and is taking it out on AOC’s Green New Deal ally.

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Your posting has been atrocious for years, but this take is just beyond the pale. Like it’s genuinely difficult to imagine holding the views you have without being a shitty troll. You are to the Establishment DINOs what the trump cultists are to Trump.


I think Pelosi is a lot like McConnell. She may be more like McConnell than McConnell, at least in terms of using legislative tactics and deals to achieve her desired results. I think 90% of people in congress would flail around helplessly and wilt if they had they had to manage the House. See, e.g., the last 4 republican Speakers.

I doubt she’s that childish and petty about things that are of such import to the country and the legitimacy of her party.


I just don’t like knee jerk pile-on posting and am willing to call shit out rather than jump in the circle jerk with my lotion bottle.

I apologize if I don’t supplicate everytime I hear GREEN NEW DEAL (peace be upon him) or whatever.

BTW, fwiw, I support Markey in the MA race. Screw the Kennedys. Screw the Bushes too. Political dynasties are bad.


I take back saying simp was clearly smart. I mostly said it because I felt bad about being mean but lol at this guy.


Can’t tell if we need a sarcasm font for this post, but it is certainly possible that Pelosi sees AOC as a threat to the Democratic Party and her opposition is not petty.

And maybe Pelosi is the sort to seek revenge.

But the decision by Pelosi to block Rice from the committee and instead recommend several freshmen to fill open slots on the panel, sparked outcry from members of the New York delegation, who felt that Rice deserved the position as the more senior lawmaker.

Pelosi argued that New York was already well-represented on the panel, with both its chairman, Rep. Jerry Nadler, and House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries. But Rice backers asked: If that’s the case, why did Pelosi recommend Florida Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, a freshman lawmaker with far less seniority than Rice, for the panel when two other Floridians, Reps. Ted Deutch and Val Demings, sit on the committee.

It was the latest slight for New York members, who were still upset that another member of their delegation, freshman Rep. Anthony Brindisi, was blocked from the Armed Services Committee on Monday night.

(Brindisi later got on the Armed Services Committee when a seat opened up due to Katie Hill’s resignation.)

Biden has some awesome fans


Yep, her stance is yeah I’m a hypocrite, wtf are you going to do about it? Simp, giving shitlibs a bad name.

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Says Biden wins on character. This guy know jack shit about character.

From 1981 to 1985, Negroponte was the U.S. ambassador to Honduras. During this time, military aid to Honduras grew from $4 million to $77.4 million a year, and the US began to maintain a significant military presence there, with the goal of overthrowing the revolutionary Sandinista government of Nicaragua, a leftist party which had driven out the Somoza dictatorship.[ citation needed ]

The previous U.S. ambassador to Honduras, Jack Binns, who was appointed by President Jimmy Carter, made numerous complaints about human rights abuses by the Honduran military under the government of Policarpo Paz García. After the inauguration of Ronald Reagan, Binns was replaced by Negroponte, who has denied having knowledge of any wrongdoing by Honduran military forces.

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Stupid Nancy forgot to tell AOC about the horribad thing Markey did to deserve this and preserve party unity at this crucial time in our history. Just kidding, she told AOC to go fuck herself and let this be a warning to you, like w/ Trump and his stances on voting, etc., the hypocrisy is the point! One set of rules for me, and another for you…Now stay in your place Alexandr… whatever the hell your stupid name is.

Fucking shitlibs man, sometimes I think Victor is insane, then the shitlibs come along w/ something like this and make him look like the only sane one here.


This is really a powerful old people problem more than an ideological one imo. The establishment Democrats are circling the wagons because the young bloods are coming for them. This is not a new dynamic historically.

Like why would Pelosi not like AOC? She’s got tons of excellent reasons from a careerist perspective, which is exactly what most of these corporate Democrats are. People trying to have a ‘good career’ on the political track.

If you have to play a little dirty to get ahead that’s what you do. Hell if it’s for your political career you get a lot dirty. Hopefully Pete is one of the last one of these pieces of crap (by age lol he’s really young) who gets to run our country for a while. Public service is about serving the public not your ego. Sorry not sorry.

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Counterpoint: The alternative to your future is one in which AOC is in a re-education internment camp.

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I don’t think Biden has ever actually said he’s serving one term, but, yeah, he’s fucking old, it seems pretty likely that is the case.

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Kathleen Rice is a terrible person. Nearly everyone who actually knows her dislikes her.

Explicitly says he will send federal troops to polling places.
