Maybe she thinks Kennedy is going to win and she sees value in being perceived as being on the winning side.

I have faith in her remaining true to her principles and not going from community activist to someone who campaigns on clean coal and surges in Afghanistan. But, I guess it’s possible she does what it takes to get to higher office.

Koch Network?

So it’s obviously about the Green New Deal. Markey supports it (he introduced it along with AOC) and it looks like Kennedy is just pretending to support it.


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Statehood for Puerto Rico and DC?

You should vote for Biden because way less people will die or have their basic human rights horrifically abused. It’s that simple. If you don’t understand this then I don’t know what to say.


He’s too liberal though.

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Note just that, but Mayor Pete and others that threw in the towel to rally behind him will be portrayed as heroes that gave up their individual aspirations for the greater good. So if AOC “agitates” from the left the main stream press will delight in saying “See, this is what we mean, she’s too immature and doesn’t see the big picture! We need practical people, not pie in the sky dreamers!”


Quick note that AOC won white democrats in her 2018 primary (probably in 2020 as well, although I haven’t read anything about it). I mention this because eDems have tried to dismiss her victory as her simply being the brown candidate in a brown district.

For those who want the Democratic establishment to die, maybe the best thing would be for Biden to win and Democrats to take the Senate. Democrats have had party unity due to being an embattled minority party. That goes away if they have majorities in Congress and different factions will feel the freedom to engage in destructive in-fighting that can rip the party to shreds as Democrats appear ineffective.


Or maybe the corporate interests she’s beholden to from the insurance and fossil fuel sectors want an establishment empty suit to prevent the green new deal and M4A


That’s fair. But the district is surely not very representative of the country or even of the state and that includes the white people who live in a very non-white area. Barbara Lee is relatively popular with the significant percentage of white people who live in Oakland too, but she would be a huge dog to win anything state wide in CA.

Joe claims hes only going to serve one term.

Kamala is reliably liberal.

I’m not as pessimistic as you all with respect to the future if Trump leaves office.


Yes, which is why I think Markey must have really screwed he in some way or another.

But maybe she’s just the terrible unprincipled Nancy Pelosi, as believed by viewers of Fox News and, apparently, posters here. I suspect that more information will be forthcoming in the next few days.



Maybe not, but her blatant hypocrisy on the issue of primary challengers sends a clear message to progressives running for Congress: Nancy Pelosi is your enemy.

Here’s a logical construction I think you’ll appreciate. If she’s (a) not stupid, and (b) not an enemy to progressives, she would’ve realized the message her endorsement sends and not done it. She did do it, therefore at least one of (a) or (b) must be false.


Source? That would make for a pretty spicy on the record quote.

Or, Markey is soooo bad (or personally screwed her over) that she is willing to break the spirit of her rule against challenger endorsements. I don’t know, but I look forward to more details.

Can’t find the specific quotes with a quick Google, but you can take it from a source I know you trust. Here’s Matt Yglesias.

or she’s more like Mitch McConnell than you think